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Linksys BEFSR41 vdsl problems 1

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Oct 16, 2002
I have the Linksys BEFSR41 router and Windows XP. I previously had an adsl connection that used pppoe and it worked great. Yesterday I got VDSL, and it doesn't use pppoe. If I go to TCP/IP and set my computers IP to, SM, default gateway, I can access the router through my web browser, but can't get out on the web. I tried changing the router setting to "obtain an IP automatically", but that didn't work. Here's what I get when I do an ipconfig while the dsl modem is connected directly to the NIC:

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : mycomp1
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter(LNE100TX v4)

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-04-5A-6B-14-50
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 218.xxx.xxx.xxx
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, October 16, 2002 5:38:47 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:38:47 AM

I use the router as a firewall and the ability to network my 2 computers as well as have internet access on both comps. As far as I know, my ISP doesn't use my MAC address since they never asked me for one. If I connect the modem directly to my NIC, everything works great. Any help with setting this router up will be appreciated.
I don't know what VDSL is, but your configuration doesn't look right. The IP address of your computer should be 192.168.X.X, Your gateway should be the ip address of the router (,DHCP server should be the same.

It looks like your using WinXP, so go to Network Connections, right-click on Local Area Connection & select Properties, Internet Protocol, Properties, Obtain IP & DNS automatically.

Now, open your browser and navigate to the router admin page ( Here you will have to change to whatever info your ISP gave you - IP address, subnet mask, gateway, & DNS servers, etc. Hope this helps.

VDSL, from what I see, is just DSL delivered over fiber. It appears to be faster and has more built in capability for the future but it is still just DSL.

You should not need to change any settings on your computers differently from what you had with ADSL. You would only need to change your router to conform with the ISP settings. Since you said dynamic IP address did not work, maybe it is static. Did they give you anIP address and is it correctly set in the router? Is the router's firmware up to date? Who is your ISP?

has ISP specific forums and FAQ's that are very helpful.

Hope that helps.
The Old Man
To smah:

Those settings in ipconfig are with the modem connected directly to the NIC, without the router. If I connect the modem to the router, then the router to the NIC, nothing works. I went into TCP/Ip and set the PC IP to, SM, default gateway to After that, internet doesn't work at all. I can get to the router through my web browser, but under status, there's no IP, nothing. This is after setting the router up to obtain an IP automatically.

To the old man:

It's a dynamic IP. They didn't give me any IP, nor did they ask me for a MAC address. yes, this vdsl is fat, I get 13Mb both ways. I live in S. Korea, and am using Kornet (Korea telecom) as an ISP. Their techs aren't any help in setting this thing up either.

Try setting the router's WAN to static and use the IP you got when the computer was hooked directly to the modem. It may stop working after a time but that will give some time to research further.

I see similar threads on DSL Reports but VDSL is still pretty sparse here. It is possible the Linksys firmware can't handle it correctly yet.

Is Kornet using DMT or CAP/QAM?

Hope that helps.
The Old Man
ack, big mistake....I do have a static IP, doh!

But, I changed the router settings to static ip, input all the info from the above ipconfig, still doesn't work. I tried it with dhcp turned on and off, tried it with the TCP/IP setting of my comp set to both get ip auto and with the with the correct dns, nothing gets me on the net. Even tried cloning the mac address again, and once when I pinged the dns serve, I got 1 (very slow) out of 4 responses. After firing up the browser, almost looks like I've got some sort of connection, but it's slower than a 1200 baud modem.
Well I'm out of ideas now, I even left a post in another forum where the linksys techs sometimes post, but they left my post alone, lol.

Try setting the IP and DNS servers. Turn DHCP on for your LAN. Then turn off the computers, router and modem. Leave it off for about a minute. Then turn on:
1. modem
2. router
3. computers

Make sure the computers have gotten the DHCP info from the router and see if you can surf.

Hope that helps.
The Old Man
Ok, I throw in the towel. I did exactly as you said and after that, when firing up the browser, I got "web site found, waiting for reply" It sat there like that for about 3 minutes, then very slowly the site started loading till the page was 1/4 loaded, that was all. Again, I tried pinging the dns server and default gateway of my ISP, I could get an answer maybe 1 out of 8 times, and that one time the ttl would be low like I had a great connection.
Seems like something isn't getting translated right inside the router.
Anyway, thanks for all the help, looks like I have a nice paperweight on my hands until I can get in contact with the Linksys folks.
You are not the first person to complain about the VDSL problem with Linksys. As far as I can tell, nobody has found a work-around yet, and Linky Tech Support is dumbing up on the topic.
Yep, I emailed the Linksys tech support and they basically had no clue how to help me. They gave me the basic connection/setup tips and left it at that.
My personal opinion is that VDSL has a different algorithm or something and this model of router isn't capable as of yet. I'll just hold on to it until Linksys (hopefully)comes out with a firmware upgrade for VDSL.
I too use KORNET Megapass. The turkeys changed me to VDSL without telling me and after coming out with the new modem my Linksys failed too. I had them put the Phastpipe back in. Interesting that about two months ago my speed went from about 2.5 Mbps to 300 kpbs - ON A GOOD DAY. According to the tech who was here, VDSL will not work on a Linksys.

2.5Mbps to 300kbps? Good grief. With my VDSL I'm getting 13Mbps within Korea, and 3-9Mbps to the states, depending on the site. Right now I'm using Zone Alarm pro on both computers. I also bought a Linksys 100Mb switch to network both comps and am using Sygate software to allow the 2nd computer to access the internet.
I'm still hanging on to the router just in case Linksys ever comes out with an upgrade.
This should make you laugh. When I saw the VDSL advertisment outside my apartment I actually called Kornet and had them switch me to VDSL. I to now have a little blue (BEFSR41) paper weight for my desktop. I've tried everything from several forums and nothing has worked. I still have hope that the answer will appear someday on this forum due to the fact that the tech support at LINKSYS consist of people like myself that can not even spell.
One note though is when I plug the VDSL in using a standard LAN cable to the UPLINK slot I can always get the 1st computer that is booted to work. The 2nd computer on the Network that gets booted will work about 75% of the time. Anyone have an idea how to get it to work all the time?
Someone please help.
That's interesting...you say your VDSL works with that router when you hook it to the uplink port? I may try that when I get home from work tonight and then play with the settings.
Tell me, how did you set everything up? Did you set your router for the and your Computer to or did you manually enter the settings you got from ipconfig?
hehe maybe we'll have to start our own Korea telecom linksys support forum :)
Yes it does work in the Uplink port as long as the computers are booted after the router and VDSL modem are on. The exact order I do is 1. VDSL 2. Router 3. Computers. Sometimes the 2nd computer will not catch on but most of the time it will get right on the network. Both computers have auto detect IP on in the network (TC/IP) settings. The router is set to and the computers always pick up the and setting. So its all pretty much Auto since the router has as the default if I remember right. As far as router setup I changed the PPoE setting to Auto in that drop down Menu. Hopefully this helps. I always have the 1st computer on line but the second is at about 75% on the 1st boot. If you find away to alleviate this let me know.
Stay in touch. I will need the multiple connections more than the speed, but with the choke put on the last few weeks, I miss the faster thru put we had. Has anyone checked the electronic market lately to see if anyone there is working this? They have worked out these issues sometimes.

I, on the other hand need the speed more although I'd sure like to get my router back on line.
I'm not sure what you mean by choke. My speed within Korea is still 10-13Mb both ways, but I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my speed to the states..especially in the afternoon after work. I attributed this to winter vacation and higher than normal usage (protests, elections etc...).
If you work on Yongsan, I'm on the global. It'd be nice to get this figured out once and for all.

Merry Christmas!

Frank Schreier
I now have a constant connection to 2 computers with my VDSL and BEFSR41 router. The only thing I changed from my previous post is the time I give the VDSL modem to initialize (SYNC). Before I just turned evrything on pretty much with no time in between. Now I give the Modem time for the SYNC light to come before I turn on the router then the computers. Since I started doing it this way, all computers work on the internet when I turned them on. I ran Counterstrike on one computer and Grokster with 25 downloads and MSIM in a video conference on the other computer at the same time. They didnt miss a beat or lag. I think with this setup I am more vulnerable to hackers since I am running the VDSL thru the uplink port. Havent had any problems yet though. (note for people in Yongsan) One of the techs I spoke to said for the people that live over By the Hospital Gate (Ichon Dong), they will have a pretty good connection. This is because Hub is located in that area. The people over by Gate 3 will have a slower connection due to the fact there is not a hub located in that vicinity. So ADSL would probably work better because ADSL can travel farther over wire than VDSL. I read some on the internet and compared it to what he was saying and it seems true. Luke
Odd...I tried your methods from your original post and it didn't work for me, but I'll try again tonight after work.
One thing that occured to me las tnight while i was helping a friend set his router up with regular ADSL....his KT ADSL modem requires a crossover cable between modem and router. Have you tried a crossover cable yet? I'm making one now and will try it in the WAN port tonight as well. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I'll let you know how things work out.
Sorry I didn't reply earlier but i was on vacation through the holidays and didn't check back here.
Hi again,
As far as the crossover cable, I learned the hard way about that when I fist got ADSL. I tried to use my regualr lan cable when I first got ADSL with my Linksys Router. After about an hour I hooked up the Cable from KT (which was a crossover) to the WAN port of the router and it worked instantly. Since then I hooked up 5 people with routers and they all worked right off the bat as long as I use the crossover cable. As far as the VDSL, I tried the crossover first to the WAN port and it seemed to try but couldnt keep sync. Now I run straight cable from the VDSL modem to the Uplink port and it works fine. I run 2 somestimes 3 computers off the router and they always have internet. I tested the video conferencing and games like CS and they also run no problem. But sometimes if I turn the computer on first before the Modem and Router I wont have the connection unless I reboot. A quick note, from what I read I believe that I am using the router more as a HUB instead of a router, which I also believe makes me very vulnerable to web attacks. So since it is being used as a HUB the settings under the router (SETUP) page do not matter. The only settings you should have to worry about is making sure the computers themselves are set to auto detect ip. Hope this helps, If not just look me up on the Global.Take Care...Happy New Year...William Lucas
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