Earlier this year my mom asked me to help out the husband of a friend of hers in his job search. He's from the UAE and was finding it difficult to get a permanent full time job. He joined LinkedIn and sent me an invitation to join, which I did, but I didn't do much with it for a few months.
However, about 2 weeks ago or so, I got an email that someone I had a connection with completely outside of LinkedIn or the internet, or anything, this person is part of a business networking group that my husband is part of that's like a non-virtual thing, they meet in person and talk face to face on a weekly basis (sounds scary doesn't it?)...anyway, I connected with him on linkedIn and since then I've been browsing the site, I've been connected with a neighbor, my sister is there, I've been accepted in some groups that focus on specific topics (rock climbing, Albuquerque, dragons, etc.). There's an "Answers" area where people post questions about all kinds of things, but not technical questions, more like opinions, and philosophical and more open ended.
My original contact has started a new job...I don't know that his participation on LinkedIn was a contributing factor, I've asked but haven't heard back from him yet.
So I thought I would see if anyone here were members and if you've found employment or experts have helped you in some way. Have you been able to be "introduced" to someone that produced a tangible benefit for you? I can see how those who depend on references and referrals for business or consulting opportunities could greatly increase their exposure and income.
I look forward to your responses!
Have you met Hardy Heron?
Earlier this year my mom asked me to help out the husband of a friend of hers in his job search. He's from the UAE and was finding it difficult to get a permanent full time job. He joined LinkedIn and sent me an invitation to join, which I did, but I didn't do much with it for a few months.
However, about 2 weeks ago or so, I got an email that someone I had a connection with completely outside of LinkedIn or the internet, or anything, this person is part of a business networking group that my husband is part of that's like a non-virtual thing, they meet in person and talk face to face on a weekly basis (sounds scary doesn't it?)...anyway, I connected with him on linkedIn and since then I've been browsing the site, I've been connected with a neighbor, my sister is there, I've been accepted in some groups that focus on specific topics (rock climbing, Albuquerque, dragons, etc.). There's an "Answers" area where people post questions about all kinds of things, but not technical questions, more like opinions, and philosophical and more open ended.
My original contact has started a new job...I don't know that his participation on LinkedIn was a contributing factor, I've asked but haven't heard back from him yet.
So I thought I would see if anyone here were members and if you've found employment or experts have helped you in some way. Have you been able to be "introduced" to someone that produced a tangible benefit for you? I can see how those who depend on references and referrals for business or consulting opportunities could greatly increase their exposure and income.
I look forward to your responses!
Have you met Hardy Heron?