I am looking to limit certain email accounts to only to be able to send/receive email from within our LAN, therefore restricting access to the outside via the Internet. These accounts are already established within our domain, and I would like to simply provide permissions to these existing accounts, if possible. I am not very proficient at administering Exchange email accounts, and have read a little on how providing certain rules via the SMTP Virtual Server could possibly accomplish this, but am unclear at to how to go about doing so. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I am looking to limit certain email accounts to only to be able to send/receive email from within our LAN, therefore restricting access to the outside via the Internet. These accounts are already established within our domain, and I would like to simply provide permissions to these existing accounts, if possible. I am not very proficient at administering Exchange email accounts, and have read a little on how providing certain rules via the SMTP Virtual Server could possibly accomplish this, but am unclear at to how to go about doing so. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.