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Let's set a world record with this one !!!

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Technical User
Jul 17, 2003
One of our favourite family word games is on-going: We love to identify "Triple-word homonyms" such as "to, too, two". I won't spoil our "WordPlay" fun by posting our family's list, but I'll bet with all the Mensa members we have here in this Forum, you will surpass my list very quickly. This is a WordPlay that the sooner you post, the easier it is to play previously unplayed words...so get posting !!!

Again my pump-priming words were "to, too, two" (an no Proper nouns or exclusively non-English words here.)

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 00:09 (30Nov04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 17:09 (29Nov04) Mountain Time
Just a quick question:

What is the world record?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
white wite wight

I'd like to argue with CajunCenturion that
[white]medal and meddle don't share pronunciation with mettle and metal.[/white]

I'd also like to propose that points are awarded not for each set of words but for each word after the first one.

So two words equals one point, three words equals two points, and so on.

This new method would then reduce CajunCenturion's points by one instead of increase them by one (splitting his group of four words into two groups of two).

We could also award more points for longer sets. For example:

[tt]Words Points
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 5
6 8
7 11
8 17
9 25
10 40[/tt]

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)
[white]wite wight white 
rode rowed roed
lode lowed load
six sics sicks
meat meet mete +s
pair pare pear +s
prays preys praise
dude dewed
taut taught tot
bail bale bael +s
bole bowl boll +s
rhyme ryme rime +s
peak peek pique +s
isle aisle I'll[/white]

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)

"If it could have gone wrong earlier and it didn't, it ultimately would have been beneficial for it to have." : Murphy's Ultimate Corollary

Updated recognition is forthcoming on this thread, but I realised that accounting properly for all the fine contributions (and the special point-awarding scheme that ESquared suggest) will occur best with my devising a SQL script, which must take a rear seat to some pressing commercial requests on my plate today. So, take heart, updated standings shall appear soon.

And you will see points awarded for "assists", as well...where someone extends another's homonym list.

Don't be worried about the lack of stars awarded for great entries on this thread so far. There will be plenty of stars at the point that we agree that it's time to award stars. I believe that stars should appear for the top "x" number of point gatherers at the time we start the awards. (We'll ensure that we agree and publish a "finish date" and "points scheme".)

And Cajun, I don't know what the world record is (which I doubt Guiness even recognises anyway), but as I recall, our family's list extended over 100 entries. So, I believe we still have a way to go.

Cheers to all, and thanks for making this thread so entertaining, including SNUV's bogus Homer-Simpsonism, "DOH". [Now if SNUV wants to replace "DOH" with "do" (the 1st tone of the diatonic scale, as in "do-ra-mi-fa-so-la-ti"), then he qualifies for a valid "homonym trio".]


(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 17:54 (02Dec04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 10:54 (02Dec04) Mountain Time
[white]add wright to the Write, rite, right list

and a few more:

mete, meat, meet
high, hi, hie
holy, wholly, holey
he'll, heel, heal
ferry, fairy, faery
way, weigh, whey
flew, flu, flue
kneed, need, knead
wail, whale, wale[/white]

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender: 'Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ'. The second string says: 'Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated'.
More from me...

baize, bays, beys



[white]-I don't think seer is pronounced the same way as the others.
-key, cay, quay... all have different pronunciations.
-basis is pronounced differently

All the others look great![/white]

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)
DrJavaJoe and Esquared, you two are just like "Ever-Ready Bunnies", aren't you...You just keep going, and going, and going. Great work...Keep'em coming!

Although I said I wouldn't dump the entries that our family has come up with (in order to preserve the integrity of our Tek-Tipsters' fun), there is a missing "trio" that has been driving me nuts so far because of its simplicity that I hope you don't mind my contributing:

I, eye, aye

Okay, now I'll quit with the kibitzing until the next time that it just overwhelms my senses.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 18:55 (02Dec04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 11:55 (02Dec04) Mountain Time
...and just a subscript, DrJavaJoe, if you are keeping count (as I am), amongst your most recent entries are a couple of duplicate submissions:
1) mete, meat, meet: (duplicates of Esquared, Nov. 30)
2) he'll, heel, heal: (duplicates of yourself, Nov. 30)

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 19:08 (02Dec04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 12:08 (02Dec04) Mountain Time
The longer this thread gets the more difficult it's going to be to prevent duplicates. We should post a summary post from time to time listing all submissions to date. Just a thought.

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender: 'Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ'. The second string says: 'Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated'.
I nominate SantaMufasa to make a new summary post! [smile]

Well, if I have time, I'll do it. Be sure to post if you're working on it so no one else starts.

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)
I've tried to go through and delete all of mine that have already appeared. Forgive me if there are any repeats:
[COLOR=white]adds, ads, adze
ade, aid, aide
Addition to the AIR homonyms: e'er and are*
aweful, awful, offal
aye, eye, I
bailee, bailey, bailie
boar, Boer, boor, bore
call, caul, col
ewes, use, yews
fir, fur, furr
addition to the HI homonyms: heigh (as in heigh-ho)
haut, ho, hoe
hoard, horde, whored
idle, idol, idyl
knot, naught, not
knows, noes, nose
lays, laze, leis
lochs, locks, lox
mall, maul, moll
marc, mark, marque
oar, or, ore
pincer, pincher, pinscher
Pole, pole, poll
psi, sigh, xi (this one might be pushing it, but it's close)
rain, reign, rein
raise, raze, rays
rapped, rapt, wrapped
read, rede, reed
rheumy, roomie, roomy (I hope to never have a rheumy roomie!)
rho, roe, row
sew, so, sow, sol (2nd Pronunciation)
slew, slue, slough
tea, tee, ti
teas, tease, tees
tern, terne, turn
vial, vile, viol
Wales, wales, whales
we're, were, whir (maybe too much of a stretch?)
weald, wheeled, wield
whined, wind, wined
yore, you're, your[/color]
Question: Do proper names count? If so....
[COLOR=white]Barry, berry, bury
Flo, floe, flow
hairy, Harry, harry
hew, hue, Hugh
lieu, loo, Lou
pall, Paul, pawl
lea, lee, Li[/color]

*(a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters)

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I can post a summary, as I created one in Excel to check for my dupes. I'll post it in a sec...

The Member Profiles are finally working again!
To get the best answers fast, please read faq181-2886
Here is a listing of all words contributed so far. They are in alphabetical order so it should be easy to find a word. If you want to see them grouped together, you're welcome to post it that way![tongue]
--list edited by admin: sorry, that was just too long!--

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Sorry about that anotherhiggins. The thread is already getting too long. If you'd like to post the list, go ahead, but please keep the words grouped together and identify who posted the first instance of each one.

As far as your submissions, I have to say that you've trodden upon one of my pet peeves! For the rabbit-trail discussion about pronunciation, please see "Pronunciation of "you're" and other contractions" for my comments. [Original rabbit trail in this thread moved to the Making An Impression forum!]

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)

Sorry for the long post, but that's the way I had the info. It was only around 360 rows. [wink] I don't have time to go back and group them all - it took long enough just to ungroup them (in Excel)!

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Higgins, Wow !!! you certainly jumped into the "leader-group" with your post. Lots of good entries there. But no, Proper names are not allowed in this particular thread, but I do see some potential with your proper-name entries that could certainly make valid "trio" entries with a little modification.

And BTW everyone, since I don't golf in my spare time, I've cleared enough of my afternoon to build a "Homonyms" database that will let us query (and post summaries) by individual words, by "trio+", by contributor, by submittal time, et cetera.


(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
@ 20:43 (02Dec04) UTC (aka "GMT" and "Zulu"),
@ 13:43 (02Dec04) Mountain Time
Oh, hey... it came to my attention that this thread is really about homophones! Not homonyms. There was a big discussion about this in Making An Impression not too long ago.

SantaMufasa, do you want me to edit your original post so as to hide this embarrassing find? [smile] [smile] [smile]

(Credit for the observation goes to someone who wishes to remain nameless... I confess that I didn't even notice, myself.)

It is better to have honor than a good reputation.
(Reputation is what other people think about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.)
Heh. I noticed that after I submitted my post (I wrote 'homonyms' twice). I thought I was the only one to screw it up so I was keeping quit hoping that no one would notice my mistake.

The Member Profiles are finally working again!
To get the best answers fast, please read faq181-2886
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