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Knuckle cracking..flipflops..etc... 2

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Aug 16, 2006
The list of annoying things my co-workers do is near endless. Constant knucle-cracking by one is driving me up the freaking wall...and HOW did it become acceptable to wear flipflops to work? ..people screaming in the computer room..sounds like they're watching a football game..people that spit when they talk..people that never STOP talking...others that pound away on their keyboards all day like they're writing a novel...one person PRINTS freakin EVERYTHING she does...(WHY??) I'm going inSANE here.
I tend to go barefoot in the office. In fact, we don't havea a dress-sown day - occassionally we have a 'dress-up' day.

I do have my own office though, so la, but I very rarely actually put shoes on to walk around.


"The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen
The last time I worked in a cube farm, an ice chewer made life difficult at times.
In the job previous to this one, I had an office with walls and a door. I also had an R&D lab in a desperate building with a semi private bathroom, I could control the heat and A/C or open all the doors and windows, I had cable modem internet with no firewalls or net-nanny programs. On a nice spring day I would open the doors and play internet radio on whatever I felt like.

I gave all that up for what appeared to be a better job and wound up a troglodyte, er... in an effing cube and it sucks.

Well Noway2, the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, then you get over the fence and – it a not grass, it is... compost.

Have fun.

---- Andy
In our IT dept we have sounds for all the annoying people and things. Such as when someone walks into an office and closes the door we play the mission impossible theme. When the over achiever walks through we play either Hail to the chief or the Mighty mouse theme song.
What I am saying is come up with something humorous to wash away the annoyingness (is that a word?) of it all. The days go by better and you get a laugh at thier expense.
I have a sound for you to play for the "coughing girl", Black Sabbath's Sweat Leaf

Talking about annoying sounds - most of the people in my office have cell phones (I don’t). I always thought the purpose of owning the cell is ‘to be always available to answer it. Some people leave their phones at their desks and… disappear for long time (not necessarily to meetings). The phone rings and rings, and as probably most of you know – more often than not it is a very annoying, LOUD, obnoxious sound.

There are some ‘desks’ where an occupant is gone often, with the cell phone on the top of the desk, and the children (I assume…) start to call. Cell phone rings for a while until the voice mail kicks in, then the ‘regular’ phone rings 4 times, the voice mail kicks in, then the cell rings…. And that could go for 15 minutes or so: cell phone, desk phone, cell phone, desk phone…

The other day I was helping somebody at her desk, her cell phone was set to ‘vibrate’ and laying on her desk. In about an hour I was at her cubicle, her cell phone vibrated every 2 – 3 minutes. I would go mad if that would be my workplace, and I am a very quiet person. How can you do anything when you HAVE to be answering the (private) cell phone every 2 minutes?

Have fun.

---- Andy
We have the same thing here. Yes it is very annoying. What I don't get is what makes these callers think that if one phone is not being answered why calling another one and going back and forth is going to make their target magically appear and take their call. Leave a message, that is what voice mail was meant for.

I feel compelled to point out that this behavior isn't limited to just personal calls. The same thing happens with the office phones and employees. If someone doesn't answer or isn't there, they proceed to call again, again, and again or start going around the room trying to find someone who is there and will answer.

I cannot tell if it's better to have to hear the cell ringing or to have to hear the owner shouting at it, moving his arms and sharing with everyone his "private" conversation with, let's say, his insurance company.


I believe (in Europe in some countries) you can purchase a small gizmo that blocks a cell phone signal in a radius of several meters. And I think such equipment is illegal here where I live (US). But one can dream…. :)

Have fun.

---- Andy
Andy, you are correct. In the US, you cannot actively interfere with any radio signal (that is, you can't use an active jammer), but you can block the signal within a building passively by shielding the building. This is prohibitively expensive to retrofit older buildings, though.

-- Francis
Et cognoscetis veritatem, et veritas liberabit vos.
We have manufacturing / shop floor employees going into the office restrooms and using the stalls as a place to hide and hold their "private" conversations. I find this not only distasteful, but rude.

In my opinion rest rooms are the only places (indoors) where flatulence is accepted (without the expression: “pull my finger….”). This along with loud toilet flushing noises should send the appropriate message to the cell phone call recipient

Have fun.

---- Andy
Andrzejek: You certainly can buy signam blockers in the UK. I have one myself. We also have designated 'quiet' train carrages where mobiles should not be used. I have been known to use the signal blocker in just such a carriage..


"The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen

That’s going to be on my Christmas list from Santa Clause this year:
[li]Cell phone signal blocker (with ‘get out of jail’ card for using it in US), and[/li]
[li]Missile launcher attached to my car so I can blast off the road those drivers who run red lights and stop signs while on cell phone. [/li]

Have fun.

---- Andy
Usually if someone walks by my desk with loud flip flops, I'll mimick their steps, saying "flip flop flip flop flip flop" as they go by. Doesn't really accomplish anything, but it's good for a laugh.

Noway2, we used to have the same problem at my plant with "private" phone calls, until we ended up having to fire someone after their highly detailed risque conversation was overheard by a visitor. Put a stop to that in a hurry.
I'm reminded of a funny story.

I was at work and one of the supervisors came up to me, essentially to vent about a bad day he was having. He went on for about 5 minutes about everything that was going wrong, who was being a dipstick, etc.

I looked at him, and said "Well, it could be worse. At least you didn't wear slippers to work today."

He looked down at my feet; see, I had gotten up and got dressed, slipped on my slippers to go out on the back deck and have a smoke, and forgot to put on my shoes before heading out the door to work.

He busted out laughing; it totally made his day.

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."


You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.
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