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Knuckle cracking..flipflops..etc... 2

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Aug 16, 2006
The list of annoying things my co-workers do is near endless. Constant knucle-cracking by one is driving me up the freaking wall...and HOW did it become acceptable to wear flipflops to work? ..people screaming in the computer room..sounds like they're watching a football game..people that spit when they talk..people that never STOP talking...others that pound away on their keyboards all day like they're writing a novel...one person PRINTS freakin EVERYTHING she does...(WHY??) I'm going inSANE here.
There, there.... take a deep breath. Relax. Some people will always be annoying. Bring in an mp3 player and headsets to work. Even if you don't turn the mp3 player on, putting the headsets on can block out a lot of the surrounding noise.

The flip-flops are management's problem. So are the football game watchers. And the printer person may have been stung in the past by not having documentation, or some other reason. Or maybe they're just wacko. Again, deep breaths. When things get too bad, get up, take a break, get a soda. This too shall pass.

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
Then, when you criticize them, you are a mile away ...
and you have their shoes.”
If you haven't seen it yet, watch the movie "2012". Then repeat to yourself "it's just a little while longer, it's just a little while longer..." [ROFL]

[small][purple]It's never too early to begin preparing for [/purple]International Talk Like a Pirate Day
"The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me[/small]
Sounds like it's time for a vacation or a new job.
what about the people who ask "how are you" then preceed to give you play by play word for word how they last 24 hours of their life had been....

Oh yeah?
I have a guy in my office who chews tobacco. Smoking is prohibited in the buildings. And for those who don’t know about chewing tobacco – after you have this ‘stuff’ in your mouth, you spit. You cannot spit on the floor, so he spits into the soda bottle. Over and over and over. I am just glad he is several cubicles away from mine, otherwise I would puke all the time.

Have fun.

---- Andy
Flip-flops are prohibited around here, even on casual Fridays (when we relax the dress code just a bit to allow denim slacks and athletic shoes).

T-shirts are verboten at all times.

On point, I might suggest that you get a good pair of noise-cancelling earphones, and use them. Ignore the office knuckleheads unless you have to deal with theem for work-related issues.

Other people's shortcomings are not your problem. Don't let it get to you. You will be happier and more productive; trust me.

And Now, For Something Completely Different - The Dilbert classic:
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far

-- Francis
Et cognoscetis veritatem, et veritas liberabit vos.

That is nasty. It smells horrible, it looks horrible, it's a horrible thing to be doing at the office.

Did I say it's horrible? It's HORRIBLE!

[elephant2] [elephant2] [elephant2] [elephant2] [elephant2]
Oh I almost forgot...aquaman...dude drinks 10 bottles of water a day..gluggluggluglgugglugglug...all the freakin time..sounds like a freakin fish tank. Then there's perpetual coughing girl, who also happens to have a voice like metal fingernails on a chalkboard. And we can't forget the HUMAN SUBWOOFER. Whatever happened to WALLS???
I assure you that your coworkers find something annoying about what you do as well.

You have to learn to tolerate others in the workplace. Walls aren't coming back anytime soon.

This is your problem and only you can fix it, don't expect other people to change, the only person whose actions you can control is yourself. So learn to accept differences and learn to tolerate noise. Who cares if someone is wearing flip flops, how does that hurt you in any way shape or form?

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
Agreed about tolerance... but... the tobacco story... ugh, I feel ill just thinking about it!

The tobacco story reminded me of a situation once. In my first job, they passed some regulation regarding tobacco usage and it invariably pissed off a certain crowd. In response they would walk around the building with cigarettes tucked behind their ear - making a visual statement. I suggested to one of the guys that they go get some coke syrup and carry around a cup with some in it like it is their spittoon. Then when they walk by upper management, sniff the contents of the cup, shrug, swallow some, and wait for the reaction.

Where I am at now, we have one guy that has taken to constantly cracking his chewing gum, all day long. I have been thinking about leaving chewed pieces of gum lying around in places for others to step in and then planting blame on him as he is the only gum chewer in the area.

I agree, tobacco chewing is disgusting. But when I was in 8th grade I actually had a teacher who chewed tobacco in class and kept a spittoon by his desk. Man, have the times changed.

Though I do recall a contract job that I had back in 2000 for a law firm where the lawyers and their secretaries were permitted to smoke at their desks. It totally blew my mind that at that time there were still workplaces where this was permitted, let alone at a place where they understood concepts like liability so well. Maybe nobody ever wanted to sue a law firm?

CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+, Security+
MCTS:Windows 7
MCSE:Security 2003
MCITP:Server Administrator
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Certified Quest vWorkspace Administrator
When I first started working was before anyplace had banned smoking. I shared a small office with thtree chain smokers whould wouldn't stop even though I have asthamand it was physically hard for me to be inthe room at all with them. I was thrilled when we finally banned smoking in offices.

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
I have to give a start to Andy for the worst story yet.

Thanks tcsbiz, but I did not want to compete with pgmr777 and the flipflops.....


Have fun.

---- Andy
Oh yeah? I work with some people that haven't been watching LOST! Ahhyeeeahhhhhh......

[small][purple]It's never too early to begin preparing for [/purple]International Talk Like a Pirate Day
"The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me[/small]
I have to fess up. I have been enjoying this thread. It's really interesting and sometimes humorous to find out what annoys people.

The fessing-up part... I do have walls. I have an office with a door and I can isolate myself from the gum chewers, the flip flop wearers, the tobacco chewers, the singers, the loud talkers, and anyone else who may be annoying.

[pacman] ... in honor of Pacman's 30th birthday.
This is what I call a funny thread! If only I could wear flip-flops at the office ...

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