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Keyboard freezes / SCSI not seen on w2k installation

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Nov 19, 2003
I am trying to install w2k on the following configuration:
SCSI 9 Gb via adapter.
I have two problems, not sure if they are related in any way.
(1) On w2k installation there are many promprs, like "Press Enter to continue, F3 to Quit". If I press keys fast enough, like in 1 or 2 seconds, it goes ahead with installation, but if I take some time to read what's on screen, it freezes up. Why may this happen?
(2) If I am pretty prompt, the installation goes fine to the moment where it asks to remove all floppies and says that PC will be rebooted. After reboot, it says that SCSI doesn't have a boot record and starts installing from CD-ROM all over again. Why?
During the first part of installation it sees SCSI pretty well, formats it and copies files.
Comments on any or both of the issues are deeply appreciated.

I've got some questions?

1. What age is the system
2. what os was installed before the installation
3. Did you already upgrade your BIOS.
4. What type of SCSI-card do you use.
5. did you check of all HW-components are compliant to eachother to work properly with W2K.
6. What type of W2K are you installing.

Let me now.

Unfortunately, not all questions I can answer.
1. Age is unknown.
2. The PC was freshly assembled and nothing was installed yet. The HDD was not system one, it kept some data but was successfully formatted by w2k install.
3. I didn't upgrade the BIOS.
4. It is SiS SCSI card - the only thing I know so far.
5. The PC was tested fine with another system HDD (though IDE HDD). The SCSI controller + SCSI HDD also worked fine on another machine.
6. w2k is professional.

No problem, it would only make it a lot easier.

You wrote you can install W2k pro (+SP?). So when you start the installation W2k-install finds the hardware by itself? or do you have add the driver manually?
If you have to add the driver manually, maybe there is a newer version.

For a bios update, look at this location

Let me know


Thanks. I didn't install w2k, I just borrowed IDE HDD from another machines with w2k + SP4 installed on it. The w2k found all new devices, so I decided the system is workable. But I want to install SCSI for the new system. To update BIOS I need some system on the machine, right? I don't have any now.
No you dont,

You need a bootdisk. Format a: /s (1.44hd)
Then copy the 3 files from the zip-file to the bootdisk and boot from it.

another question
When you start your machine, you will see some messages, i.e. the check of your bios, videocard, SCSIcard. It could be possible that there is a startup wait for about a few seconds so you can enter the SCSI-setup?
Maybe there is a need for a setupchange for the card? you also know then what type of SCSIcard and SCSIhd you're using.

Let me know.

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