Can I use WebStart and J2ee?
If so is there anything different that should be done to get EJB references or it's just the same as a simple j2ee client application?
One thing I noted is that accessing EJBs from standalone java apps via RMI is much slower than accessing them from JSPs via Http.
So if one could use htpp as the protocol in java WebStart for accessing EJB references like using JSPs that would be excelent.
If so is there anything different that should be done to get EJB references or it's just the same as a simple j2ee client application?
One thing I noted is that accessing EJBs from standalone java apps via RMI is much slower than accessing them from JSPs via Http.
So if one could use htpp as the protocol in java WebStart for accessing EJB references like using JSPs that would be excelent.