Anyone experiencing the J169/J179 not coming back when you reboot the IPO? They do if you reboot each phone or the POE switch. This is frustrating since many options in the IPO require a reboot.
1) What firmware are they on? They J100s are still pretty new and Avaya are fixing things very much every release, so get the latest 4.0.whatever it is firmware onto the system and onto the phones.
2) What's in between the phones and the IP Office? Any SBC/firewall etc?
11.0.4, IP500v2. Most of the phones are onsite, the rest are connected via a comcast loop (VLAN). Both sites won't come back on a reboot of the IPO. We had to either unplug/plug the phone or the POE switches.
I was thinking of isolating the network to test. I have not yet. One interesting thing is that when the phones are down, I can ping them from the IP Office, so they are still technically up, and the IP Office can see them on the network, they just unregister. I try and reregister and reset the phones from Monitor/SIP, but it doesn't do anything. I have an engineering case open with Avaya. Hopefully they can figure this one out.
Yep. Ended up creating an engineering case with Avaya. Turned out that the 46xx settings file had some bad data in it. I show it in all my 46xx files. I don't know how it got there, but here is the bad data...
SET SIPREGPROXYPOLICY \alternate\ **********Should not have had the "\" before and after alternate***********
I had it set correctly at the top of the 46xx setting file, but near the bottom of the file it had it twice with the back slashes. So it overrode my correct settings. Not sure where that 46xx file got those settings. This would only apply to those who use the 46xx file. I don't like to manually program each extension, so I use the 46xx file to automatically pull the data. Especially with the new J series phones.
To resolve, just search for ALTERNATE in notepad or wordpad. Remove the backslashes and reboot the phone to pull the update.
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