Is there any way to decompile a QBasic .exe file to it's original .bas source?
I have a bunch of programs that were compiled and placed on a network drive for use, while the source codes were on my local hard drive (don't ask me why). Of course, my hard drive stopped spinning up the other day, and now if I ever need to make a program modification, it looks like I'm going to have to start completely over on the program, which just might result in my coming into the office one way with a ski mask and some sort of explosive device.
Basically, is there any way to reverse compile a QBasic program? How?
I have a bunch of programs that were compiled and placed on a network drive for use, while the source codes were on my local hard drive (don't ask me why). Of course, my hard drive stopped spinning up the other day, and now if I ever need to make a program modification, it looks like I'm going to have to start completely over on the program, which just might result in my coming into the office one way with a ski mask and some sort of explosive device.
Basically, is there any way to reverse compile a QBasic program? How?