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IP500 v2 11

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Technical User
Apr 12, 2013
I just had a quick question, on the first two extensions on the system the phones have a Admin softkey. Is there a way to require a password to access the admin functions?

Thanks in advance.
I have a question to, is there any chance you could get some training on the system you're selling/maintaining ? That way your customers/company get the professionally installed/managed system they paid for and we don't get the stupid questions !!! :)

"No problem monkey socks
I'm really not a phone guy... i hate to ask stupid questions... and my company is going to train me on this, but hasn't yet.. i got a demo unit and have the opportunity to play with it. I was also recommend this forum for help, but I see what kind of help and attitude to expect. Thanks for nothing.
First off all get if of basic mode as this is what it is now.
In IPOffice mode you can program each phone or no phone at all as an admin phone.
Basic mode is really a joke and a step back to the 1980's


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

70's or even older...

A simple mind delivers great solutions
No OP, thank you for nothing.
However, thank you for your attitude to our level of expertise, no training, no attempt to show us how you've tried to solve this yourself. You haven't even got APSS.
Andy is right.
It's nobody's fault here if you're a pretender who has no training and barely read the manual.
We've all invested the time and money for training to support this product and half assed attempts like this effort reflect on the customer's perceived value of the product. Customer's read this site too.

Use the help index and look up system phone rights. Read the rest of the help file while you're there. Scour that before posting. Reference the help file you are stuck with in any future posts and Andy may still help you.
They're all nice guys here, but why should you and your company get given money for jam when someone qualified could do the job better?

Get an Avaya University log on and start doing courses, spend the money to complete them and earn accreditation.

We'll know.

If you are in any portion of Manager and press F1 it will give you an in-depth explanation and often examples of the features you need help with.


User TAB

Press [F1]

Half way down I read:
Manager Help File said:
· System Phone Rights: Default = None.
This option replaces the System Phone option used on pre-Release 6.0 systems. Users set as a system phone user are able to access additional functions.

· None
The user cannot access any system phone options.

· Level 1
The user can access all system phone options supported on the type of phone they are using except system management and memory card commands.

· Level 2
The user can access all system phone options supported on the type of phone they are using including system management and memory card commands. Due to the nature of the additional commands a login code should be set for the user to restrict access.

The best method to see if it works is to simply try it out. Many customers dont mind you experimenting a little as you aren't to know everything about all the features. Its just having the confidence to try and and have the confidence with the customer that regardless of the fact you need to test it, that you remain in control of the situation and look like you know what you are doing! :)

People here get a lot of requests here for really simple things, and with little gratitude, or netiquite involved, and feel its a place to come and get free support.

General Geek

I get very confused by this site? And the attitudes. Is it a forum for helping people or just a place where snarky installers make comments like Amriddle giving people in industry a bad reputation. Amriddle you've helped me (AND SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE!) in past and I'm really appreciative. But Geez. You have to gut him in forum like that. Honestly it'd be better not to comment.

It's pretty apparent by the question that he's not posing to be an installer or expert by any means.
To be really honest, this is a forum for techs and not for end users needing free support.
I have a house, wife and kids who need to eat.
When every customer we have are going to get free support then i can quit my job very soon.
OK everybody can Google but even then there are some too stupid to do that.
That annoys us and we get irritated.
Don't get us wrong, we like to help but after a long day of work this can change in to irritation.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

You do have the option of not responding to questions.
Isn't the problem really AVAYA?

For those of us certified (APSS and ACIS for me), we've have made an investment of our time and money to become experts on the product, and then Avaya kicks us in the back of the head by allowing the product to be sold to anyone.

Remember back in the fall when Avaya said "become ACIS certified or lose your ability to install the product"??? Has ANYONE been dropped for not completing this requirement? NO ONE! It was a threat with no consequence.

Going to put my two-cents in here on this one.

If you look, I haven't responded in a long time or contributed to the site. One of my customers that had very little experience with the IP Office requested help on very simple items such as incoming call routing for a specific DID and conferencing information, and a couple other odds and ends. I was bashed as a non-experienced technician by members here and the customer. What the members didn't know is,they did not pay for maintenance, and I got tired of someone wanting 'free advice' every other day on the system and blowing up my email and phone. Yes we were very good friends but, where business and friendship divide is when I have to make a living and secure job security. I have not talked to them since that thread and quite frankly, did not care for some of the remarks made in a forum that is supposed to support the members. I have worked with the IP Office since 2000 and went through the sleepless nights of the earlier versions and screaming customers and was not about to start giving 'free' advice to someone that was not willing to take some type of Avaya IP Office training and basically sponge off of my hard work to learn IP Office (or at least purchase a maintenance program from the company). I am very happy to help someone that will help themselves and can see the view from both points.

ACA-IP Office Implement
ACS-IP Office Implement
dizzyphil I am confused by your post.
you say that YOU posted a simple question about DID routing but you work since 2000 with the IPO so if it was really that basic why did you post it ?

then you say that the customer posted, I am severely confused.

But with thousands of threads and posts here on TT it is hard to not find something these days if you use google and put a little effort to it. Those are the people we do not want to post a question then sitting there for hours waiting for the right answer to pop up rather than taking the manual or google searching it for 5 minutes.
Not real techs that work as techs for living are the ones we want to discourage to waste our time but end users that take the food of our tables.

Joe W.


Give a tech a solution and he will be back tomorrow to ask you the next question, teach a tech how to read the manual and he will be able to solve the problems for a life time.

I'm sorry, I wasn't more specific that they were the ones posting.

They posted on here after I quit giving them free advice. Google if they want, very different than coming directly to a site and asking specifically for trained people to answer their question and not pay a qualified BP or Avaya tech - and not have to pay.

ACA-IP Office Implement
ACS-IP Office Implement
thanks dizzyphil for clarifying that for me (I don't like being confused)
the problem on here is that you don't usually know right off the bat if someone is an End User or just a newby tech that comes from a different platform. But once that is clear they have a hard time getting anything out of here because all they get is links to help files or the F1 referral.

if anyone has a blatantly stupid question they get usually red flagged and then they are being told that they should keep it on a technical level that is worthy of being here.

Joe W.


Give a tech a solution and he will be back tomorrow to ask you the next question, teach a tech how to read the manual and he will be able to solve the problems for a life time.

I agree fully that there are times when one will not know the full knowledge of someone asking questions. And I'm sure that some did not know that they were bashing a member here since it wasn't stated on the posts either. I could have responded to those posts and revealed the information then. Either way, I am assuming since the forum is public and free, so should the advice and help be. I just took the bashing a bit personal and the ego took a hit :)

I train techs now and bench program IP Office in a new lab so I'm content and just pop in every once in a while to see what is going on here. I saw this post and it rattled me a bit but, being 45 years old and somewhat grown-up (is that possible in our Industry????), I will move on and conquer other things that are not so brash in this world!!!!! Like Server Edition!!!!!!!!

ACA-IP Office Implement
ACS-IP Office Implement
you youngling (I am 46)
It has its perks to work on a bench and prepare stuff, I have been there a few years back, doing remote support and preparing stuff for installs is fun but I got bored after a few years and went back to installs then I opened my own shop and now I do it all :)

the bashing was probably caused by the information provided from the customer which was one sided and so it might have hurt but it was not meant personally towards you or your abilities as it was misrepresented. We all have been there and I am also taking it personally if that happens.

Joe W.


Give a tech a solution and he will be back tomorrow to ask you the next question, teach a tech how to read the manual and he will be able to solve the problems for a life time.
True. It took a while for maturity to hit but, my Dad still doesn't know anything!!!!!!

I loved windshield time throughout the years. But now in the lab really helps the guys in the field when all they have to do is slap it in and watch it work. Still, the IT guys give us fits when we want bandwidth and VLANs..... it is in their blood I believe.

The remarks I am over. The customer knows why I do not help them and I do not think they even call in for support here anymore.

I still look in from time to time to see what is ailing techs in the field. It is amazing what the IP Office can do, brew up, and still cause havoc over these past few years. I still like the little guy and from the looks of 9.0, it will even have more quips and quirks to come!

ACA-IP Office Implement
ACS-IP Office Implement
I must admit that Amriddle may have been a little harsh but is pretty much right on the money. As was Tlpeter.

The place for these simple/stupid questions is in his own work place.If they are new to the product (pre training course )I expect my techs to ask me these questions once. Two times gets a little scorn and I get a free coffee. There never is a third time because they will then know where to look for the answers. The difficult questions they can ask anytime they like and come to TT to try and find an answer. I will be saving this thread as an indication of what you get for not trying hard enough first.

I am a little concerned though,that compucom may be the leading tech for his company installing IPO as it does seem he had no one to ask first.
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