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IP500 V2 intermittent Vmail to Email fails with embedded. 1

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Feb 2, 2006
here is a closed thread for reference, but I did not see a solution.

I am having the exact same issue. Further testing shows that the Alarms work (like when you unplug a phone it emails the alert, even thou the vmail to email messages stop.)

And I found the one message that started it all but it was last week in my traces. Traces are as follows.
61362626mS LVM(email): SMTPServer woken up...
61362626mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: waiting for all buffers to be sent
61362626mS LVM(email): SMTPServer snoozing...
61362634mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::BufferSent msg_size(0) buffer_count(103) in use(2)
61362637mS LVM(email): SMTPServer woken up...
61362637mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: waiting for all buffers to be sent
61362638mS LVM(email): SMTPServer snoozing...
61362733mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::BufferSent msg_size(0) buffer_count(103) in use(1)
61362733mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::BufferSent msg_size(0) buffer_count(103) in use(0)
61362736mS LVM(email): SMTPServer woken up...
61362736mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: send terminator
61362841mS ERR: SMTP error: " Message refused.
" 61362842mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: RSET sent ok
61362843mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::ScheduleRetry qsize=1
61363043mS ERR: SMTP error: " Recipient accepted.
" 61363043mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: RSET sent ok
61363047mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: something wrong sending email
61363047mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::ScheduleRetry qsize=1
61363047mS LVM(email): SMTPServer snoozing...

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
More info on the VM, UserVM or GroupVM with broadcast on/off?


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged
Did you fill in the DNS on the IPO?


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged
No the DNS is still blank. There are now mailboxes with for the Hunt groups, these are only user mailboxes, and the one that failed was tested and working the day before so why it picked that message is beyond me.
Odd turn of events, I check the network for the DNS ip's and the second one is the IP Office. Even thou the DNS is empty in it. There are three listed. two internal and one external. strange.
Alright, I have added the DNS entries into the IPO. I will wait and see what happens next.
If it works sometimes but not others it could be an attachment size limit. Maybe the voicemail .wav attachment is larger than the server will accept.

Kyle Holladay
ACSS & APSS SME Communications
MCP/MCTS Exchange 2007
Adtran ATSA, Aruba ACMA

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it." - Henry Ford
I have tried adding the DNS server in the IP Office System tab. I have verified the 2 min messages are being delivered correctly. Which should be the largest files they will receive. I still have a few sites that are having this same issue now and do not seem to see a resolution to it. Any other suggestions? Thank you.
What SMTP server are you using? An Exchange on the LAN or something from the provider?
If not on the LAN, you should use IIS smtp relay. This can be installed on any PC, even XP. The IPO can deliver to the IIS smtp and this one wil take car to actually send it.
Around 4.1 there was a bug where the IPO stopped sending after the first fail, this happened when the DSL line failed. Even after it recovered, the mails did not get out.
Around 4.1 there was a bug where the IPO stopped sending after the first fail, this happened when the DSL line failed. Even after it recovered, the mails did not get out. "

Not sure if that's been fixed yet, still seeing it on a 6.1 system. Only way to get it back up is to reboot the ipo.

fo shizzle ma nizzle.
It has been working better now with the DNS server added. It is not a local server, it has been through the ISP's public SMTP addresses. I also discovered that on one instance the users have been receiving them recently (checked the queue size in monitor traces and none of them were over 1, so it was doing fine.) The user was getting them in their SPAM folder through their yahooo account.

The second site so far hasn't failed and the only change I made was adding the DNS to the IP Office.

keeping my fingers crossed so far.

Albus, thanks for the tip, I will look into that one.
I don't understand what's the benefit of the dns entry in IPO regarding smtp. The IPO will only send the mail to the server entered in the smtp settings. And that's just a dotted quad, not and fqdn.
The IPO acts as client not as mail server.

When using IIS smtp service, the IPO can send the mail to this address which is a PC in the local network, I.e. it will just work. This one will send the mail directly to the recepients mail server using dns. And it will queue and resend if necessary. We had no IPO related issues with sending mails since we use this method.
Well I will need a lesson in the IIS SMTP service setup. It just failed again for this customer. I do not have access to the traces yet, and will be going to site on Monday.
Use GMX, but then let the IPO send the mail not VMPro.
So it will send the mail external, so no IIS needed.

Enter the following in the Manager > System > SMTP;

port: 587
email from address: you@gmx.com or .us
server requires auth: ticked
user name; you@gmx.com or .us
password; your password
use challenge response auth: unticked

Then on the User > Voicemail > Voicemail email
enter the "to" mail address. this can be a Gmail address.


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged (Avaya Search tool )
Just an update. Cheers for the tip on GMX, BAS1234. It works and it continues to work so far. I have been monitoring the mailbox every other day or so and it got a kick back on one of the users. Turns out a fella was let go, customer changed the name for the user but not the email address or settings for the mailbox. The mail server was sending a kickback. But rather than the IP Office getting the message the GMX handled it and the IP Office still runs like a champ.

Good Tip, Thanks again. Star to you!
Glad to hear it worked for you, i'm using the GMX more and more. Even with Emedded VM, on some site you don't have a mail server. Or the customer doesn't wan't you to use their mail server and this way the only thing is you need to have internet and it works.

Thanks for the *


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged (Avaya Search tool )
Alrighty, I thought all was going well and now the emails are queuing up again.. No failed messages in the GMX account and not sure what is going on here. Any other Ideas?
Hi there Kargo, i got the same problem, all users have alert set on their own voicemail boxes. this was working fine initially, there is no DNS entered, and i'm not sure it would need it as mentioned above as the SMTP server is entered as IP address already.
This site is using internal exchange server on same subnet.
It was happy doing anonymous sending of emails from the system, i just created voicemail@customername.com for the "from" address and all looked good.
our email address is ****'d out, but is the destination for system events also... which aint working! :)
there is an SCN trunk to another site which is the H323 event i expect?
So, will try DNS I guess, and use a known email address as the from field in SMTP next...

782326567mS LVM(email): SMTPServer New Email...
782326567mS H323Evt: Shared tcp socket for line 17 disconnected
782326568mS LVM(email): SMTPServer woken up... Session f53db4e4 Client f53da9a0 State 8 Q Size 11 current_message 00000000
782326568mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: Initiate msg send
782326891mS CMMap: a=9.9 b=0.0 B0
782327266mS CMMap: a=9.9 b=0.0 B1
782327572mS ERR: SMTP error: " 5.7.1 Unable to relay for service@********.co.nz
" 782327577mS ERR: Invalid Email Address <service@********.co.nz> - code=550
782327577mS ERR: No valid Email Address - Message Discarded
782327577mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: something wrong sending email
782327577mS LVM(email): SMTPServer: ScheduleRetry
782327577mS LVM(email): SMTPServer::ScheduleRetry qsize=10
782327577mS LVM(email): SMTPServer snoozing...
found this.... could be an exchange drama/ "feature"

"503 5.5.2 Sender already specified" problem fixed with recipient filtering active
this error message from Exchange if multiple emails were rejected by the Exchange recipient filtering option.

who loves google toolbox???!!!
heaps of info on stuff i really didnt need to know about!!
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