IP Office 403 3.0 ( 580 ) x2 DT30 Exp modules.
I have an issue at a site which reported one of the DT 30 modules being down. The 2030 handsets
aren't coming up , will display Avaya Index and disp will change on push of buttons but not coming up. Was advised someone had knocked
out the pwr supply to this module so tried a full system reboot after powering up the expan modules first. Made no
diff mod 2 still never came up. Got their IT to plug the none working module into exp port 1 and this also didn't work so looked
like x 1 faulty mod but after connecting back to original way now both dt modules wont come up.
Both DT modules have steady green light and the config looks ok with extns populated against both modules. Has anyone had issues
with the control unit causing the DT30 modules to go faulty.