I am using Putty with VT100+ keyboard settings to access my company's ancient Intuity Audix box. I get connected just fine and log in with the sa account and i'm immediately jetasoned into the Customer Services Administration page and i cant cancel out to get back to the INTUITY main menu. Ultimately, i need to be able to manage mailboxes without being on site and this system is fighting me at every turn.
I have no clue what the vm password is by googling how to change it, it appears it will require a very large sledgehammer and alot of anger, which the company may not like.
I do not have access to the true 4410 emulators as Avaya support is pretty much Microsoft 2.0 when you don't pay them the full $2000 a month for programming and training support, so any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I am using Putty with VT100+ keyboard settings to access my company's ancient Intuity Audix box. I get connected just fine and log in with the sa account and i'm immediately jetasoned into the Customer Services Administration page and i cant cancel out to get back to the INTUITY main menu. Ultimately, i need to be able to manage mailboxes without being on site and this system is fighting me at every turn.
I have no clue what the vm password is by googling how to change it, it appears it will require a very large sledgehammer and alot of anger, which the company may not like.
I do not have access to the true 4410 emulators as Avaya support is pretty much Microsoft 2.0 when you don't pay them the full $2000 a month for programming and training support, so any assistance will be greatly appreciated.