Hi everybody,i have this project and i have no idea where to start,i need to capture calls information from the pabx and store the data into a sql database,any help or guidance will be highly appreciated
You can buy the software from several places to do this like wincall.com. If you are planning on writing the software yourself you will need to capture the data from the serial port of a pc connected to the hi com. You should probably get a serial buffer in case the pc locks up.You should also know the AMO commands to start CDR in the hicom. Its dis-sdsm:a1,chan,all; to display (def=down and ins=up) and act-msw:1; to activate.
Hi friend, already tried to use free radius? It is very good and set with the MySQL, I believe that they would decide its problem. In pass one feedback of this its project, after its tests.
Also can send via TCP/IP using a serial port converter from MOXA or DIGI, or even (in theory) an asynch port on a Cisco router. (working on verifying that configuration now).
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