Hi all,
I have quite a peculiar problem. Maybe somebody can help me out.
I have in my app compined both Buffering (5) and Transactions to help me either save everything or nothing
in the event that something goes wrong.
This works fine for other errors like locked records/files
But of late, somebody inadvertently unplugged the server's power while users were posting entries. This cleverly corrupted the index (CDX) of one file in a way that:
1. You can open the file without any error being generated
2. You can post entries (and the system tells you "Posted Okay", yet nothing goes to this file) without generating
any error
So in case of payment cheques, the General Ledger is updated with the nessecary entries, the creditors statements are updated correctly but the cashbook shows no
trace of those payments. They were simply not posted (courtesy of the corruption) TableUpdate(.t., .f.) does not report failure.
My question is: How do I trap this kind of anomaly to avoid orphan records and complains from users.
Specs (VFP6 Windows XP)