Hi all, I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciatte it alot. The Norstar is a MICS 4.1 with NVM 4.0. I have a T1/PRI plugged in to the Norstar. I also have added an analog loop wired into one of the 4 trunk ports of a CI card which is Line052. I want to direct all calls coming into this analog trunk to a digital extension. So I have assigned Line052 to the extension as line appearance but when the line is not answered it goes to general mailbox and not the mailbox of the extension that it appears on. If I do a Feature 4 and forward the digital phone to vmail ext, then calls coming into the analog Line052 go directly to the vmailbox of the digital extension but the drawback is that I can't answer it. I have made the analog line private to the digital ext, but what else am I missing?