I just wanted to post that this now works referencing the following thread:
Jamie77 had it right below.
"If you are running IMS now, VM Pro should be setup for MAPI, which should be fine. Check VM Pro settings in Control Panel.
Just set an email address for the user and select the option required."
I have one user with Windows 7 and I set up email to COPY to his email address in the Voicemail tab IP Office Manager App.
I entered his email address in the Voicemail Email field.
Below that you have the options to off, copy, forward and alert. I selected copy.
He now gets his voicemail to his iPhone as a .wav file attachment.
I have another iPhone user with XP that I did the same as above. However, for her I left the IMS sending email embedded as well. The reason for this is she wants the option, when she's in the office, to dbl click the VM in her Outlook and then have it play on her desk phone speaker but she can pick up the handset if it's a sensitive message.
So she has the best of both worlds.
Jamie77 had it right below.
"If you are running IMS now, VM Pro should be setup for MAPI, which should be fine. Check VM Pro settings in Control Panel.
Just set an email address for the user and select the option required."
I have one user with Windows 7 and I set up email to COPY to his email address in the Voicemail tab IP Office Manager App.
I entered his email address in the Voicemail Email field.
Below that you have the options to off, copy, forward and alert. I selected copy.
He now gets his voicemail to his iPhone as a .wav file attachment.
I have another iPhone user with XP that I did the same as above. However, for her I left the IMS sending email embedded as well. The reason for this is she wants the option, when she's in the office, to dbl click the VM in her Outlook and then have it play on her desk phone speaker but she can pick up the handset if it's a sensitive message.
So she has the best of both worlds.