I'm fixing up an older Pentium Pro 200 for my kid.
The M/B is Intel VS440FX and I am trying to update the BIOS with the last BIOS version Intel had for it: 1.00.18.CS1.
I did not get any errors when I created the boot diskette.
Half way during the update of the BIOS, I get errors:
L05: Unable to prepare for flash
H02: Initialization for flash programming failed
Error: Flash update was unsuccessful
I've checked the current BIOS setup and it is fine.
I've checked the M/B jumpers and they are in the correct places (enable updates etc.).
I also tried to update the BIOS with version 1.00.11.CS1,
but the update program complains that the file on the diskette is corrupted or does not fit with my BIOS.
Any other ideas anyone?
The M/B is Intel VS440FX and I am trying to update the BIOS with the last BIOS version Intel had for it: 1.00.18.CS1.
I did not get any errors when I created the boot diskette.
Half way during the update of the BIOS, I get errors:
L05: Unable to prepare for flash
H02: Initialization for flash programming failed
Error: Flash update was unsuccessful
I've checked the current BIOS setup and it is fine.
I've checked the M/B jumpers and they are in the correct places (enable updates etc.).
I also tried to update the BIOS with version 1.00.11.CS1,
but the update program complains that the file on the diskette is corrupted or does not fit with my BIOS.
Any other ideas anyone?