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IE 5.5 crashes/invalid page faults...what to do? 4

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Jun 21, 2002
I use Win98SE box.
Keep getting "Illegal Operation"/"Will Close Down" message in IE 5.5 browser...

What to do if anything? Settings changes? To what?

Redownloading IE 5.5 only solution?


Does this coincide with anything you've done/added to the machine? Any recent downloads?
I'd run the repair option before I try anything else. Go to Add/Remove Programs, when you select IE to remove, you should be presented with a window where Repair is an option.
Hello again Richard

I agree with carr as usual, great advice. I'd also try a scanreg /restore to the earliest available date, just in case it's a registry problem. Frankly the other thing I would do is upgrade to IE6.0 SP1. I've had it since it's inception and like it. I know other have had problems with it, but I like the cookie deleter/privacy rules, and the advanced features.

HTH Regards
Thumbs up to Phil. [thumbsup]
I was hesistant to recommend upgrading to 6.0 (which I personally like as well) as some people are experiencing hitches with it, here and there.
However, IE 5.5 was/still is notoriously buggy and upgrading to 6.0 SP1 with smooth sailing is usually just a matter of some tweaks and slight modifications to "fit" your environment.
Hello all:

The specific IPF/error message I get is--(don't know if this tells you anything):

module MSHTMLED.DLL at 0167:70f65e0e.
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=70f65e0e EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=0058a000 EBP=0058a01c
ECX=02f24bf0 DS=016f ESI=0058a060 FS=3c17
EDX=028e9b20 ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 08 8d 55 f0 52 ff 75 fc 50 ff 51 40 8b f8 3b
Stack dump:
0058a060 02f249d0 70bd1d15 70f66b25 028fa9e0 00000000 028fa9e0 0058a04c 70f41e01 0058a054 00000000 02f24a90 02f24a90 00451b48 00451b48 00000000
Hello all (Carr, crustyoldbloke et al)

Your Repair option:

I go to Control Panel/Add Remove Programs.(Install Tab)

I choose/highlight Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and Internet Tools entry...and then?
Do I hit Add/Remove..does this Repair Window you've mentioned present at that point?...wouldn't want to kill IE inadvertently!!!
Yes, add/remove will bring up your options.
Sorry...that should have read Spybot or Adaware...
Hello, all
Did use SPYBOT/Search and Destroy utility hoping to control Gator, as discussed.
Will see what happens.
Thanks to all! Will report back.

Hello Whybecause

Figured I'd see if Gator-control does the job...I've never had this level of bugginess till last day or two...having been using IE 5.5 forever.

If problem persists, I certainly will upgrade to IE 6/SP1 and leave IE 5.5 behind...will also do "Repair"/Add-Remove programs, as recommended, as last resort.

I'll see what gives.

All of the points made by you respondents are terrific.
Hello Richard

This new level of spyware is unbelievable. I was cleaning up an oldish machine a couple of days ago. The machine had been used for surfing for 4 years without any AV programme and was clean (quelle surprise), however when I ran Spybot on it, 99 pieces of scum were found.

I had a look via Google for Adaware 6.0, which I'd read was now available, but alas I couldn't find it anywhere and went with Spybot. The latest update for Spybot includes things like e-bay toolbars! In fact the only company that doesn't appear to be spying on us is the Inland Revenue (that's IRS Stateside).

One other thing I like about IE6.0SP1, is it's image resizer. Just lately I've been helping a 13 year old with homework, and having the images of both volcanoes and famous battles fitting my monitor is a great bonus. Regards
Thread responders...

Greatly appreciate ingenious points and tiops from all you experts...

I am trying Spybot in combination with Spyblaster to see if parasite/Gator control gets me back to normalcy.

If not, I will go to IE6.0/SP1 as recommended.

Lastly...here's a typical error message when IE 5.5. goes flaky on me (different from previous IPF example cited):

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in
module SHDOCVW.DLL at 0167:71045e5b.
EAX=0000005e CS=0167 EIP=71045e5b EFLGS=00010207
EBX=027bee6c SS=016f ESP=027bee2c EBP=027bee4c
ECX=00000006 DS=016f ESI=033bf000 FS=31cf
EDX=004c06b0 ES=016f EDI=033a46cc GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
f3 a5 8b c8 83 e1 03 33 c0 f3 a4 eb ac 55 8b ec
Stack dump:
000000c7 0046e070 71045929 000000c6 027bee54 00000000 00000000 0046e174 027bee70 7111f464 033a4688 00000001 027bee6c 027bee68 00000000 00000001
Hi, Phil
Thanks. Did check out MS writeup you referred me to...didn't realize it could be defective dll.

Will see what happens next few days,if IE 5.5 crash-proneness/IPF tendency continues, will graduate to IE6.0/SP 1 as recommended.

Seems cyber-hassles are endless.

Thanks as always.
Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction for Adaware 6.0. I have installed it and conducted a little test to see which one (Spybot or Adaware) stays on my PC.

I scanned with Adaware, which gave me a clean bill of health, no spyware on my system, and then tried Spybot, which found 3 cookies.

Conclusion? Spybot stays, Adaware has already gone. Regards
I would repair IE. You should have done that as soon as you started having the problem. I repair mine probably six or so times a year - maybe more. I have W98SE and I upgraded to IE6 an hour after MS released it. I hated it. Terrible gif and jpeg problem on many boxes ([particularly W98 boxes) including mine. I went back to IE5.5SP2 and will never upgrade to IE6. Cookie control and privacy are a joke in IE6 anyhow.

You should also run system file checker to see if you have a missing or corrupted file.(Start/programs/accessories/system tools/system information and then under tools in drop down menu is system file checker). If you do decide to upgrade to IE6, I suggest you visit this site so you can get privacy and cookies under control.

Also be aware that if you upgrade to IE6 and then want to go back to IE5.5 you can, but you will probably have some IE 6 files intertwined with IE5.5 files which can cause problems with hotfixes. (I had to call Microsoft about this with one hotfix). Plus, if you decide to go back to IE5.5, you will be left with no backup IE on your computer which makes for a big problem if you then subsequently have major trouble with IE5.5. I would just stay with IE5.5 as if you have the gif problem with IE6 you will want to revert back and not having a backup IE is a major pain in the you know what! You will not be able to uninstall IE if you have problems so I think it is far better if you have W98/SE to stay with IE5.5SP2.
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