We have an odd problem. We purchased a couple dozen 5330e phone (with GB nics). All our other phones are 5330 phones.
If a use is logged in to hotdesk they are logged out less than 64 hours later (they leave at 5pm on friday and they are logged out by the time they come in at 8am on Monday). This only happens with the 5330e phones. There are no issues with the other. I have looked at the switch logs to see if the phone is rebooting and it doesnt appear so. Just the user is logged out when the come in Monday morning.
If a use is logged in to hotdesk they are logged out less than 64 hours later (they leave at 5pm on friday and they are logged out by the time they come in at 8am on Monday). This only happens with the 5330e phones. There are no issues with the other. I have looked at the switch logs to see if the phone is rebooting and it doesnt appear so. Just the user is logged out when the come in Monday morning.