I have a problem that I hope that somebody can help me with. I have a Compaq Evo 150 running on win2k pro and up to now I was accessing the internet with a wireless LAN at the hotel I am staying at. I wanted to test a network device and had to define my PC with an IP address. I turned off my firewall (permanently) and I tried to ping the network device but nothing happened so I tried to ping it with a friends PC running on XP with success (no problem with the NetDev). Now the probelm! After I reset my settings to find an IP addres automatically now the PC sees the network sends packets but does not recieve and does not connect the internet. ipconfig shows me he ip address automatically assigned (I guess)and this pings. What could have changed. I also have tried to uninstall the TCP/IP protocol and reinstall to no avail! Well, this is second time I am experiencing this problem the first time I thought I had a general problem and reinstalled Windows. But I dont want to go through that again.