I programmed Hunt group HG01:707 added three extensions (221,233,307) Line Assignment: 8 lines directly to the hunt group, used Distribution Mode: rotary, Hunt Delay: 2,Busy line setting to: Queue mode with delay of 15, Overflow: to one of the HG extensions:221. Checked extensions and they all showed a HG01 button on their phones. Tested the hunt group and it did not work. I did see a note in the manual which stated: "If any of the telephones you want to add to the hunt group have lines assigned that are the same as the hunt group,remove the line from the telephone before assigning it to" Do I need to remove all the lines from the sets before the HG group will work or just not assign the lines to the hunt group? Customer has a MICS 7.1 with Startalk Flash 2.7.