I have a pilot group that I am setting up where they require a different on-call cell phone to be called each day of the week (they will not use variables). So I set up a VDN->vector using scheduled service hours and then a route-to the cell phone number for the specific day. Is there a way to preserve the phone number or force it out when someone calls it. (ie I call 913-xxx-xxxx (which is a DID number) and it's Monday so it routes to a cell phone number 816-xxx-xxxx. When the cell phones rings, it shows the callers number, and they want the on-call to know it came from the VDN/DID number) If we set up a virtual to route to in the vector instead of the actual cell phone, with a remote c to the cell phone, maybe that will work. I'll try that...I'm thinking as I'm typing from others suggestions....every day is being covered but only 3 different cell phones being handed off, so only 3 remote covers?????