Hi Folks,
I am using MITEL 3300 CX-II with IP phones 5312. And DHCP on Linux machine. I want to add new extentions/Phones in the system. My DHCP settings are as below;
option mitel code 125 = string;
option call-server code 129 = ip-address;
option ip-phone-identifier code 130 = string;
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet X.X.X.X netmask {
class "mitel-phone" {
match if option vendor-class-identifier = null and substring(pick-first-value(option dhcp-client-identifier,hardware), 0, 4) = 1:08:00:0f;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name-servers X.X.X.196;
option routers X.X.X.1;
option broadcast-address X.X.X.255;
option netbios-name-servers X.X.X.196;
option ntp-servers X.X.X.196;
option tftp-server-name "X.X.X.201";
option mitel ";sw_tftp=X.X.X.201;call_srv=X.X.X.201;dscp=46v46s26";
option call-server X.X.X.201;
option ip-phone-identifier "MITEL IP PHONE";
option netbios-node-type 8;
default-lease-time 3600;
range X.X.X.221 X.X.X.254;
group {
# System-1 range [ X.X.X.1 - X.X.X.3 ]
I am already running 40 ext/phones and i think i need to add the license for adding more Phones/ext. Can you please elaborate the process to add new IP phones 5312 into the system.
I am using MITEL 3300 CX-II with IP phones 5312. And DHCP on Linux machine. I want to add new extentions/Phones in the system. My DHCP settings are as below;
option mitel code 125 = string;
option call-server code 129 = ip-address;
option ip-phone-identifier code 130 = string;
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet X.X.X.X netmask {
class "mitel-phone" {
match if option vendor-class-identifier = null and substring(pick-first-value(option dhcp-client-identifier,hardware), 0, 4) = 1:08:00:0f;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name-servers X.X.X.196;
option routers X.X.X.1;
option broadcast-address X.X.X.255;
option netbios-name-servers X.X.X.196;
option ntp-servers X.X.X.196;
option tftp-server-name "X.X.X.201";
option mitel ";sw_tftp=X.X.X.201;call_srv=X.X.X.201;dscp=46v46s26";
option call-server X.X.X.201;
option ip-phone-identifier "MITEL IP PHONE";
option netbios-node-type 8;
default-lease-time 3600;
range X.X.X.221 X.X.X.254;
group {
# System-1 range [ X.X.X.1 - X.X.X.3 ]
I am already running 40 ext/phones and i think i need to add the license for adding more Phones/ext. Can you please elaborate the process to add new IP phones 5312 into the system.