i recelntly purchased a hitachi 400 gig serial ata 2 hard drive. this is my hardware:
3800+ dual core amd
asus a8n32 sli deluxe mb
2 gig ocz pc3200 memory
creative fatality sound card with i/o port
ati 1950xt video card
thermaltake 500w atx 12v 2.0 power supply
my problem is that almost every time i go to install something off the dvd roms it comes up saying corrupted cab file, cannot right to source. it does this form the dvd roms and it does it from the hard drvie itself if i try to extract a rar file. it also shuts down from time to time with no appearent reason. i have some games i can copy over from an external hd i have that work fine. but if it has to by extracted messes up. and it is almost always a cab file corruption. does anyone know the problem i am having. i have reinstalled windows several times, updated the nforce driversto there newest and the bios as well. with the same results. i at first thought it was the mobo and called asus and the sent me a new one in a box and stil the same results. i would appreciate any help you guys can offer.
3800+ dual core amd
asus a8n32 sli deluxe mb
2 gig ocz pc3200 memory
creative fatality sound card with i/o port
ati 1950xt video card
thermaltake 500w atx 12v 2.0 power supply
my problem is that almost every time i go to install something off the dvd roms it comes up saying corrupted cab file, cannot right to source. it does this form the dvd roms and it does it from the hard drvie itself if i try to extract a rar file. it also shuts down from time to time with no appearent reason. i have some games i can copy over from an external hd i have that work fine. but if it has to by extracted messes up. and it is almost always a cab file corruption. does anyone know the problem i am having. i have reinstalled windows several times, updated the nforce driversto there newest and the bios as well. with the same results. i at first thought it was the mobo and called asus and the sent me a new one in a box and stil the same results. i would appreciate any help you guys can offer.