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HelpFind.Info pop-up

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Oct 2, 2002
With the latest iteration of IE 6.0 AND a pop-up stopper running, I STILL get these pop-ups with HelpFind.Info in the title bar. Where do they eminate from and can they be stopped? Am I missing a setting somewhere? They are a threat to all mankind.
have you downloaded a anti-spyware program like ad-aware or spy-bot? these would make sure your pc don't have help recieving pop-ups. also, what pop-up stopper do you have? it should work better than that. if you find that there is a "spy-ware" program on your pc, please make sure to let us know what it is. if it gets by a good pop-up stopper, its new to me.

"Jack of all trades. Master of none."
I haven't intentionally installed any spyware and I'm using just a freeware pop-up stopper called Popup Ad Zero. I have others I guess I'll have to try. Thanks for response.
I use EMS free surfer MK II for pop-ups. excellent program--very easy to set up...
Thanks to all. I'm trying everything. By the by, how do i use the 'Virtual Route' app?
what "virtual route" app are you speaking of? if its about the link i posted it should take you to download Ad-Aware. its freeware that will rid you of nasty programs that cuase pop-ups that run on your pc in the background.

"Jack of all trades. Master of none."
I've been having the exact same problem for about a week now and it's driving me nuts. I tried AdAware and no success. If you have had any luck please let me know.

Looks like you and I are in the same boat. No luck yet. I'm about ready to scrub this machine and start over. What a shame I'm so compulsive!

Try SpyBot for good measure ( I prefer it hands down to AdAware, though I realize that some will advocate more strongly for Lavasoft's product.

However, I think maybe neither of these programs will solve your dilemma. Try turning off Windows Messenger and see if this provides a remedy. See here for instructions:
As a side note, pop-up stoppers and spyware removal tools are ineffective against ads/solicitations coming in via Messenger.
BHOs seem to the dish of the day...

try Thread608-530080 and Thread608-530483
& deleting cookies may also help. good luck :)

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[pc][ul][li]please give feedback on what works / what doesn't[/li][li]need some help? how to get a better answer: faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
Call me compulsive, but I too am ready to scrub this HD and start over.

The OS I am running is 98. I can't seem to find services.msc or anything similar to it.

I just tried BHO Demon I'll post the results of that as soon as I know something.
You can't diable it in 98 or ME. Only works for 2k and better. Hopefully manarth has something for you with the BHODemon utility. I've used it for quite awhile, sometimes it works...
Have you done a &quot;Find&quot; in both your c: and in in your registry? It might be worth searhcing on &quot;HelpFind.info&quot;, &quot;HelpFind&quot;, etc. and rubbing out any entries you may find. Also, have a look in Add/Remove Programs for good measure...as strange as it may seem, it may be there. I've picked up similar problems and removed them that easily...
Did that when the problem first cropped up. I found a couple of registry entries which I deleted. It wasn't HelpFind.Info, but system-update that I found (which is the URL which first appears before the HelpFind.Info popup opens).

The Resgistry entry was under HKEY_Current_user\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Doc Find Spec MRU

There is also a popup.cgi which seems to keep appearing in the Temp Internet Files.

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