Hi everyone, first of all I am grateful for all of your advice. Here is my problem: My brother has been using my computer and I suspect there are viruses on my computer. First this thing disabled norton and now my norton control center says "autoprotect: OFF, Email Scanning: ERROR. OK, here is where everything stops making sense. 1) I have uninstalled/reinstalled MANY times. 2) I dloaded AVG antivirus for free and detected about 60 infected files (50 of which were quarantined by pestpatrol. The rest were infected files. SO, I ran live update and also the other thing (similar to live update) reset the computer in safe mode RAN A FULL system scan and NOTHING CAME OUT. NEXT, after rebooting, the stupid norton message tells me that some virus or other thing is changing the options, and that I need to go to this securities website to run an online virus check. So I do that AND IT REGISTERS 11 INFECTED FIles, I wrote them down : c: edow.exe infected with Download.Adware, c:msbb.exe is infected with Adware. 180search, c:trufkz.html is infected with Adware.cdt, c:winnt\key2.txt is infected with Adware.Blazefind, C:\WINNT\System32\BO2802040113.dll is infected with Adware.VirtualBouncer....I can go on for 6 more files if you want....NOw waht the H*ll are these files that my norton can not pick up? And now look what happened I recently found them and placed them in my quarantine box (in norton) and I canned them and they are not infected!!! i dont understad, I am completely lost and frustrated and confused...please help me...anyoneeee