Just taken over an Arcserve 2000 backup system, It has a 22 slot backup robotic system on it. THe guy who I took over from just set up a job every nite and backed up the system to a tape and then moved on to the next (all manual) after all 22 were full he takes one out for disater recovery and starts from the beggining. I'm OK with this in principle as a complete backup fits onto one DLT easily and completes over night with plenty of time to spare. I'm also OK with recovering files .. all well and good. Thing is it must be possible to automate this, i.e. set up a job that automatically does a backup every night onto one tape, then the next nite move onto the next etc (missing weekends).. then go back to the first ? then all I would have to do is take out a tape once a month and check they ran OK every nite ? ... any ideas ?