Tom Borgmann
in 1994 I just had finished my first word processor written in a unix language making lots of use of 'awk' and 'sed' for spelling correction, db access for mail merge and so on. I was then asked to try a tool called VisualBasic 3.0 for making the switch to windows. After two weeks I was convinced that VB wasn't a tool to build fast datacentric apps and should never be used by us. After that I had just begun to play around with a tool that used some kind of object based Pascal but I can't remember its name anymore. And then someone came up with trying FPW2.5 and short time later 2.6.
I still can remember how much work we did, just to give the forms a 3d look by placing light and dark grey lines around all the text- and comboboxes. Man, I would have killed the guy that came up with this idiotic idea (if it hadn't been me, though). After a few weeks we had our first windows based app running and then had to learn, that shipping it was a whole other story. Including and excluding the correct files/tables was a process I learned as I installed the software at the first customer.
Shortly after that, VFP 3.0 came up and we grabbed it with a vengeance. At that time it did real miracles and we could only laugh at another department that was still trying OOP with VB3. My, those poor dudes made our day on a hourly basis. Some years later they eventually switched to Delphi.
Well that's a long time ago, but I hadn't placed it in 95 if Mike hadn't come up with it. Now I'm just indulging in nostalgia
At that time our main app was still programmed in SCO UNIX and we started switching it to windows with VFP 6 then. Our first attempt was to immitate the informix tables with VFPs own database but after 2 years we dropped that attempt because of to many damaged indexes and too many data that had to be stored and way too many users that needed access. So when the Y2K works ended we made the switch to ODBC and that was (after selecting VFP as development platform) the 2nd best decision ever.
I still can remember how much work we did, just to give the forms a 3d look by placing light and dark grey lines around all the text- and comboboxes. Man, I would have killed the guy that came up with this idiotic idea (if it hadn't been me, though). After a few weeks we had our first windows based app running and then had to learn, that shipping it was a whole other story. Including and excluding the correct files/tables was a process I learned as I installed the software at the first customer.
Shortly after that, VFP 3.0 came up and we grabbed it with a vengeance. At that time it did real miracles and we could only laugh at another department that was still trying OOP with VB3. My, those poor dudes made our day on a hourly basis. Some years later they eventually switched to Delphi.
Well that's a long time ago, but I hadn't placed it in 95 if Mike hadn't come up with it. Now I'm just indulging in nostalgia
At that time our main app was still programmed in SCO UNIX and we started switching it to windows with VFP 6 then. Our first attempt was to immitate the informix tables with VFPs own database but after 2 years we dropped that attempt because of to many damaged indexes and too many data that had to be stored and way too many users that needed access. So when the Y2K works ended we made the switch to ODBC and that was (after selecting VFP as development platform) the 2nd best decision ever.