First of all try to restart the program unit for LIM4 and try again.
About the GS in most cases it is thu GJUG card having the problem. Block all the links on the GJUG where you have met the problem (GJBLI:GSMULT=x-xx,GSSIDE=0). Than pull out the GJUG and wait for couple of seconds (10-20 secs). Insert the board again and unblock the links. This may help.
DO NOT power cycle your group won't fix the problem you have and will create a great deal of other problems not related to your original problem.
For which GSM is the code 88?
I assume the error code 65 is for LIM 4......and that the PCM link in LIM 4 for which synchronization is set is in the same GSM for which the error code 88 is active -- this may not be the case as the group switch can be rather deceptive in the clues it gives.
First, change synch in LIM 4 to the other PCM link - unless both links are in the same GSM, in which case you should move one of the links to another GSM. once synch is switched, see if the error code 65 clears for the LIM.
If that alarm clears, restart the group switch (RFGMI:GSM=1&2&3&4....for all GSM's). Then function test each GSM (GSFTI:GSM=x,GSSIDE=0,TEST=BOARD If the function test comes back clean, attempt a dump.
My guess is that you have a GCU that is failing, but you have to eliminate all the other possibilities before you have to get in that deep.
The group switch (especially the CONSONO) is VERY unforgiving if you go in heavy-handed and start pulling boards and turning off power etc.
When you do make changes regarding clocking, control or inter-GSM communication, it's very important to make ONE change and wait a bit to let things settle down before you make another change.
Treat it like a have to be patient and learn to read between the lines - she does not come right out and tell you exactly what is wrong, often times she'll complain about something completely different from (but still related to) the actual problem, sometimes she'll even lie to you. But if you lose your cool and piss her off, your life will be complete hell for a few days.
If you only have one GSM, your choices are somewhat simplified. You will need to power off the GSM to change the GCU2....your system will be down hard while you perform that task. DON'T manually block anything, just turn off the power (if you had multiple GSM's this would not be the case).
Your system will be VERY upset when you power the GSM back on, and it will take a bit for things to settle down. You may have isolated LIMs and LIMs not having contact with the GS will generate alarms (code 34 lim out of order) and also cause alarms for common functions out of order and things like that....DON'T get slap-happy with restarts etc. you will only create more for the switch to do.....just be patient and let the system do it's thing. Just keep an eye on the alarm log to what alarms eventually clear and which ones don't.
You may get lucky and everything comes back up.....
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