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Groupwise istall problem with Win2000

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Technical User
Jul 13, 2001
I upgraded a PC from win95 to win2000. Everything went smoothly up until I tried to access Groupwise email. When going to open Groupwise, I recieve an error "Groupwise is not installed properly. Groupwise components could not be initialized." So, I go to uninstall the program, however, I get another error " The log file C:\Novell\GW\DeIsL1.isu is not valid or the data has been corrupted. Uninstallation will not continue." I try to remove Groupwise in safe mode to no avail. This only happens when I upgrade not when I do a clean install. However, I don't have enough time in the day to sit and do a clean install. Any ideas would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
When I did a clean GroupWise 5.2 clean install on a W2KPro Dell, I was told at installation that I needed a W2K-specific Windows Messaging System version. So I installed it and I've had no problems. If you think this is the issue you're having, feel free to e-mail me privately and I'll send it to you.

You need to load the correct windows messaging files. You can download them from the Novell's web site at...

This should resolve your problem if you're client is GroupWise 5.5.

david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
Will these messaging files work with Groupwise 6?
I don't know. My hope is that it wouldn't even be an issue. But I would be doing some reading on the Novell website to see if they address it. Since it appears to be a W2K issue, it may still be necessary even w/version 6. Again, a visit to Novell may be in order and there may well be some in this forum that can be of more help.


They should, the Windows Messaging files are Windows Specific not Novell Specific. I'm surprised that Novell didn't include them but then Windows 2000 may have come out after GroupWise 6 (I'm not sure).

david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
Thanks. I give it a shot and let you guys know how it went.
I have a Dell with Win2K Prof and loaded GW 6.0 SP1 (was working fine with GW 5.5) and have had nothing but integration problems, C3PO and PO errors. Can't move documents to the library and can't even open Excel or Word w/o GW message error message about loading a library file.

Since we're only in testing mode w/6.0, kinda of afraid to give it to everyone just yet.

Any suggestions?
Well, I tried installing the windows messaging for NT patch and it didn't do the trick. First of all, I had to manually delete groupwise off the PC, then I installed the patch then re-installed Groupwise. I still got the same error saying that Groupwise could not be initialized. I still can't uninstall Groupwise via add/remove programs. This only happens when I upgrade a pc to Win2000, not when I do a clean install. When I do a clean install everything, including windows messaging for NT is installed correctly. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be willing to try anything.
Are you loading Grpwise as admin with all rights to wk2000 or as a regular user without rights...Check that. We have found issues with those types of messages seem to be rights related. We have had to give admin right to the PC for our users due to AutoCad. Otherwise the Windows messaging "should" have fixed it...
I've been logging in with admin rights. I'll check just make sure, but I'm pretty positive...
Turns out that I was not using admin rights so I went and installed groupwise with admin rights then installed the windows messaging for 2000. Everything works fine now. Thanks for all those who replied to my problem, I really appreciate it.
Beacuse Windows 2000 has no MAPI software you need to load it. If you go to the GroupWise site they will give a a download that installs MAPI. Note you must load the MAPI software before you load Groupwise.
uou just have to install windows message. you wont need to reinstall groupwise client, it will function imediately
I have a similar question. When installing the client 5.2.5 on my Win2K systems, the process stops before installing the GW imaging part. I am not sure why, but on all my Win98 systems, the install goes fine. I have wiped out the system and this is a clean install of 2000, Netware 5, and GW 5. I havent installed the messaging system for 2000 yet, but I am downloding it. Will I need to reinstall GW after the messaging system is in?
BTW - download GWClean to uninstall Groupwise.

Yes you do. Windows messaging must be installed first. And you must be logged in to Win 2000 as the user who is going to use it when intalling both messaging and Groupwise.
Could someone help me? I downloaded the windows messaging file and ran it. The only thing that happens is a dos screen appears and asks if I agree with the terms then I disappears. What am I doing wrong? I had to manually delete GW from the wks as it would not uninstall.


make sure your logged in as administrator and the patch must be ran before you install groupwise.


I am logged on as the admin. The patch does the same thing. Anyother suggestions?

Sorry you should be logged in as the user who will use groupwise, and that user should be in the admin group. But I don't know why it's not running. Whats the exact name of the gw patch you are running? or do you have an email address which i can send you the patch i use.
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