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GMCC batteries with BIU 1

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Feb 7, 2012
CM 3.1 on s8710's
Global MCC

Do replacement batteries need to have a minimum pre-charge voltage level for the BIU to charge the new battery assembly?

I have installed the new battery assembly because customer needed the large battery cabinet removed to free up floor space (they also have the PN's running off a building UPS/Generator combo). I have done the following and still get fail test 5 with code 8:
*Installed new battery assembly for more than one week with no change.
*BIU is floating at -54 vdc at the test points (verified this was the same on other inservice cab's).
*Replaced BIU with no change.
*Moved battery assembly to other in service cabinet, and problem followed the battery.
*Moved known good battery to trouble cabinet and test 5 passed.
*Voltage of new battery out of box is -1.8 vdc.
*Voltage of known good battery disconnected from its cabinet was -52vdc (verified this on multiple cab's).
*Ordered another battery and found its voltage out of box is -1.8 vdc, installed and failed test 5 waited more than a day test still fails.

My testing/troubleshooting tells me that the battery assembly must be pre-charged to a minimum voltage before the BIU will float, but I can't find documentation to support. Or, there is a trick to making the BIU charge a completely flat battery.

I'm also open to eliminating the assembly/BIU but can't find if that's an option.

What do you all think?

Thanks in advance.
Bumped 'cuz I'm still stuck. Any thoughts?
A replacement battery needs to have close to -48vdc in order to work.
-1.8vdc is not enough voltage.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


40 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 30 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
A retired tech suggested that I wire my new (flat) battery pack parallel to a good (fully charged, in service) battery pack as an attempt to charge the new pack.

What do yo think about this idea?
1.8vdc is not enough. string of batteries has a minimum voltage before BIU will charge them.
Find a replacment with at least -42vdc and your issues will resolve.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


40 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 30 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
If their system has a UPS in front of it, the batteries are not needed. They have a very short run time anyways. I have removed mine and disabled test.

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

How'd you disable the test so the power alarms would retire?
Option 1.
If customer has a UPS backup for the G3 MCC cabinet 1, we can dispatch a tech
to unplug the battery charger and install a loopback plug instead of replacing
batteries or a defective charger.

Option 2.
dispatch tech with a volt meter to determine whether the batteries or other
part(s) may need to be replaced.

Legacy G3si and G3r systems
3 batteries with a full charge provide up to 10 minutes of holdover for the "A"
carrier in each MCC cabinet, and 10 seconds of holdover for the other carriers
"B, C, D, E" in case of a commercial power outage. If a commercial power outage
occurs, the batteries may take up to 30 hours to come back to a full charge and
will fail test 5 with fail code 8 until fully charged. This will cause a POWER
alarm for the affected cabinet until some resolution is provided.

In a High or Critical Reliability
PPN system, these times are cut to five seconds and five minutes, respectively.
In an EPN multicarrier cabinet, the entire cabinet can be powered for 15 seconds
from the batteries, after which time the entire cabinet is powered down.

Converged systems with MCC cabinets can be programmed for longer than 10 second
holdover for carriers other than the "A" carrier.

Fail 4 The batteries are charging
Fail 8 High Charge Rate-The batteries are charging at a high charge rate. This
indicates that there is a short in the batteries or the charger.

The batteries take 30 hours to fully charge after being drained. A fully charged
battery pack should bridge two power failures without causing a low battery
warning to occur.

disable test 5
disable MO logical 5130 physical 1
disable MO logical 5130 physical 2

s75XE / SCC cabinet Battery Backup:
System 75 XE has a standard 2-minute battery back-up system for the common
control. Outages of less than 250-milliseconds cause no service interruptions.
During commercial power outages lasting more than 250-milliseconds and less than
2 minutes, service is restored automatically within approximately 25 seconds
after power is restored, eliminating any need to reload the programs or
translations from the memory tape. During an extended power failure,
customer-designated lines are automatically transferred to central office
trunks. Long-term holdover (engineered to customer needs, typically 8 hours) is
also available as an option. (See Standby Power System in Chapter 12.)

Global MCC (J58890CH):
BIU (Battery Interface Unit) located in the Power Distribution Unit

a. Look to see if any "red" LEDs are "on" on any of the rectifier modules or
the BIU (Battery Interface Unit) located in the Power Distribution Unit
b. If the BTW (Battery Temp Warning) LED on the BIU is "on" check the batteries
for a over temp condition(a) if temp is normal(a) replace the BIU, If the test
still fails replace the battery in a small battery system. For a large battery
system escalate the problem.
c. If the BIF (Battery Interface Unit) LED is "on" replace the battery interface
d. If the BNA (Battery Not Available) LED is "on" check the battery connections
including connector J20.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


40 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 30 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Thanks AvayaTier3 for posting this.

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

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