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Free Rice 7

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Nov 29, 2002
For each word you get right, they donate 10 grains fo rice through the United Nations to end world hunger.

And it's fun too :)

Yep, a 43 was as high as i got, 3000 grains of rice!
i hope there is gravy, and cranberry for them also.

"Impatience will reward you with dissatisfaction" RMS Cosmics'97

I managed a 48, but had to guess based on the etymology of some words. I was irritated to go down on lapin = rabbit.
Since this is true in French, I was peeved no end to have that touted as the correct answer in an English quiz.



Grinding away at things Oracular
I made it to 47 (once) but normally around 44

Its been blocked at work now though

"If it could have gone wrong earlier and it didn't, it ultimately would have been beneficial for it to have." : Murphy's Ultimate Corollary
That was interesting! It seems that you only need 3 at 49 level to get to 50, but I couldn't find out how many 50s you need to get to 51. Four 50s in a row doesn't do it, and I kept missing one at that stage.

Still, a couple of thousand grains of rice may help someone. Definitely worth trying a few times, both for fun and for the end result.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the explosive growth of this project. ( At around 36 million grains per metric tonne (it looks like the project has raised around 100 tonnes to date. Keep up the good work guys.

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There are so many words that I get right only by "feel." I can't give it any better explanation. If this was a recall task instead of recognition, I'd do much worse. My guesses seem to be unreasonably good today.

The correct words are not always complete synonyms. Sometimes they use a specialized meaning of the given word instead of its "main" or usual one.

Cool word I learned today: vibrissa

1 point for anyone who can tell me the language the word anorak comes from, without looking it up.

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
50's the limit according to the docs here

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
(I almost came up with Paul's answer, but decided I definitely couldn't spell it so I just didn't even try...) [blush]


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
Nice one, Maria! And incredibly instructive!

I do OK, but I showed it to my assistant, Hindi is her first language - she communicates well in English, but on this she has problems around the 4-5 level. She's really bright, but she's got no background on Latin and Greek roots, and no experience of serious English literature.

I never before realised just how limited her vocabulary was - and how easy it is for her to mis-interpret words... weep - she saw that as in weeped-cream.

She's now spending 1/2 hr each evening on this - her choice, and we are doing a new word in an email (not just to me) each day. She loves it!!!

This is going to give her a real confidence boost as she progresses!

"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." Richard Feynman
topped out at 45, but I guess I'm a 40/41 A little self- back-patting is nice , but I heard a week or so ago that 1+ billion grains of rice have been donated through this ,a privately funded effort

Evven as a hoplessly jaded person i say NICE JOB!


Does not play well with others
Feed the world I say. Erm another scotsman and a wild eyed Irishman I think.

Anyways 39 for me. For an uneducatde sod I am quite please with that.

[blue] A perspective from the other side!![/blue]

Oh and my spelling stinks.

[blue] A perspective from the other side!![/blue]

Nice link. Bounced around 44 - stopped at 46 when I figured I'd better get back to work. [smile]

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." - Winston Churchill
I was able to run several words in a row at 50 once in about a half hour. I especially had trouble with what appear to be words of Scottish or Gaelic origin.

Does anyone have an idea how big a pile of rice 3260 grains is?
48 average on first go round. This is great learning tool, and for a good cause. I am going to forward it on to as many people as I can. Thanks for posting the link.

BTW: technically, anorak is considered as Greenlandish. Along with kayak. While commonly used as a term for the language, Inuit properly is a reference to the people. In fact "Inuit" simply means "people".

Academically, Greenlandish is the language. However, the Inuit themselves call it Inuktitut.

It is actually very complex, as the western people (called Inuit in most publications in the south) - that is those in, or west of, the Mackenzie River - are Athapaskan-speaking peoples. Not Greenlandish speaking.

They are not, nor ever have been, called "Indians".

See here for a glimpse into some interesting words and grammar.


My paintings and sculpture
They have now introduced a good selection of new words, and raised the upper limit to 55. It is still an excellent cause and well worth supporting.

On a more general overseas aid point, our friends from the US might give some thought to - well guys, at least you're above Greece!

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