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Freaky Stuff 1

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Man, if that don't just scare the crap out of ya, I don't know what would...... anongod@hotmail.com

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
I do not think this is scary as such, this kind of thing was bound to be done sooner or later.

I think to look at this development and cry 'borg' is possibly the wrong way to look at this. This kind of scaremongering is not too different to looking at the processing capability of the common PC and claim that your job is at risk; although on closer inspection we find the new technology allowing greater things of man, for instance, allowing the mundane tasks, such as, calculation be done by the machine, whilst more imaginative tasks (sometimes) be carried out by the human.

However, I am not dogmatically wedded to the notion of 'futurism' either. My personal stance is that some serious philosophical consideration needs to be given to this development. For instance, taking the idea that if this technology was developed, how would it be used. To my mind technology is not an entirely inanimate object. Its use is not totally determined by the purpose the technology was designed for but rather by how people manipulate the technology to further their own ends, be that political or in the name of science ( or rather, unpure or pure reasons :)).

In summary, what I am getting at is that this technology/ development should not be seen as a cobble stone in the path to subjugate humankind to the rigidity of the machine, but rather we should observe and embrace this new technology with a constructive skeptisism. We should never dogmatically accept or dogmatically reject technology, but always think of the multitude of possible ways the technology may be used or abused.

Doesn't it make you wonder though....

Each movie that comes out now that is taking an idea from our technology and using it (say cloning for instance)

if movie directors can take an idea and come up with so many different possibilities with technology, what makes us think that scientists have not already been experimenting that way? even if its not legal?

what makes us think that cloning hadn't begun a very very long time ago, just because it was first reported recently, how long do we think its been happening? and how do we know it has not gone beyond what is legal?

just makes you wonder....
This technology definitely does not make me scared, as it does to my sister; I mean “freaky” simply that we are seeing science fiction in action. I am a huge sci-fi fan and have for years, seeing this type of technology in action is really cool…

I actually agree with you, I do not think we should hide under a rock and destroy all technology. The possible benefits of this technology far out ways the possible detriments
For example, I did a research project on Professor Warwick, some of his possible hopes for this technology are:
Sending and Receiving Nerve Impulses from a device implanted on a nerve through Radio Waves to another device receiving these radio waves.
- that was the idea for this experiment in the article I linked to.
The possible idea from this would be some type of interface to a computer, I mean right know we are limited to a physical interface. I can hardly imagine a interface limited only to how fast I can think, (might be little faster than my typing :)) If you knew me, I would definitely be the first person in line to receive this technology.

This type of invasive body surgery definitely brings up the worst fears in us all. Cloning for example is on the head front of this new “Frankenstein” fear. There is a really good book, called Frankenstein and something, I can’t remember. The author actually goes through and shows how “Frankenstein” movies and ideas have actually forced scientist to modify their research down a specific path.

Oh, cry “borg” that pretty funny……… LOL
Oh dear... This is Kevin Warwick we're talking about here, he is as mad as a hatter. He has systematically failed in all his "projects". If you really want the low-down on this media-hungry madman, visit the following site:

And search under the word "Warwick". You'll soon discover why everyone in the UK takes whatever this man says with a pinch of salt.

All hail Captain Cyborg!!!
"What would you expect from a bunch of monkeys?"
Look. For Millennia we have been evolving. Whether or not you believe in GOD or in evolution makes no difference. We now live longer, healthier live. All because of advances in technology. Five hundred years ago a person was lucky to make it to 70 years of age. Now we average near 80. New chemicals, implants and such now extend our lives past the 70 year mark. Another one hundred years mechanical implants will be able to extend life pat 100 years. Now whether or not that scares you is irrelevant. Its going to happen. As we evolve we developed new tools to make life "easier" for us. Within a few hundred years we may very well incorporate 25% electronics and micro machinery into our very bodies. We will not be around to see it. And "naturalists" will fight it. But who are we to say this is not a natural path of evolution.

Think about it. James Collins
Computer Hardware Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net
sound like this guy has a screw loose!!!!! :)

excuse the pun...lets hope the chip isnt running anything programmed at MS :)
Which guy? The author of the article is OUT there. James Collins
Computer Hardware Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net
I agree with butchrecon you can't stop science. As long you seek the truth and that's what science is about.
the guy does have a screw lose he does it for shock vaule this kind of stuff weanken science because it stop REAL reachers from going in to a field becuase they don't want to linked to wackos like him.

you can't stop science but you can slow it and thats what this guy is doing. if you look back in time you see the same thing. The telegraph, wackos started to work on them so main stream reachers said it was impossible, thats why it took so long to come about even thought the tech exsited for years to do it and who can tell how many things have been lost because of people like him.

So long and thanks for all the fish.
A must-read for those who want a horrific vision of a machine-dominated future is the title short story from a collection by Harlan Ellison called "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream!"

I was blown away by the very title, which I place up there with "Atlas Shrugged" as one of the all-time most graphic, image-provoking title phrases.
C'mon! C'mon! I want to see the next step in our evolution as butchrecon put it. Things are changing fast and I'm wetting myself with excitement! I also think butch is right. Nothing is artificial - it's all part of our path to the future and as such we shouldn't be afraid of it - unless it is forced on us against our will of course
Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated. My suggestions are what I would try myself. If incorrect, I welcome corrections to my rather limited knowledge. Andy.
Change will happen. Evolution is life. Fight it, or embrace it, it does not matter. The will for survival oversees all. If you are 30 and need a machine part in your body to live, you will do it (Most of us will anyway). Society has this fear of technology (Instilled by TV and movies) that Becoming "cyborg" (Part machine/organic) is a bad thing. We seem to think that when we get these mehanical implants we turn evil. I suggest these people go talk to amputees who have mechanical limbs, or pacemakers, or even a mechanical heart. Ask them if they have world domination plans. LOL
Any way, As I said before evolution is a part of life. And having mechanical parts in our bodies is part of evolution. James Collins
Systems Support Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

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right now the technology is at a point where it will work but the Original is better do you want a flesh hand or a mealt one

but the problem comes into play when the artificial parts are better then flesh so now we have two groups of people one with the money to do this and the other with out. think of the "digatal divid" then. When they can't get a job because they don't have an eye inplant and now that makes them unsafe. So long and thanks for all the fish.
Yes, but Equality in the Workplace will regulate this, and the yet-to-be-devised policy on 'Unnecessary Human Enhancements' will ensure that no digi-divide can ever occur.
(Incidentally, what's your view on cosmetic surgery - this is a case of improvements limited to those with sufficient funds.)
As to whether or not I would prefer metal or flesh, then obviously flesh is the answer....for as long as that part functions as intended. But if it fails or no longer operates satisfactorily then I would happily accept an 'artificial' replacement - especially if that meant an extended existence. My suggestions are what I would try myself. If incorrect, I welcome corrections to my rather limited knowledge. Andy.
I have no problem with cosmetic surgery because it does not stop me from doing everything a person that has had cosmetic surgery can do but cyborgs change you to do more than a man thats the danger. but I would take a artifical heart. So long and thanks for all the fish.
If your arm is severed in an accident, you are saying you would not like a mechanical (and someday fully artificial) arm? James Collins
Systems Support Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

Please let us (Tek-tips members) know if the solutions we provide are helpful to you. Not only do they help you but they may help others.
Back in the mid to late 80's National Geographic Magazine postes and article about 'artificial' organ and limb replacement. in that artivle the had a diagram showint some dozen or 2 different 'non-cosmetic' implants that were being used to replace non functional human parts. By now may of thoes have been severly imrpoved apon and more created, hjow long till we will be able to move an entire nervouse system into a compleatly new cyborg body. Imagine your great grandpa being several times stronger than you and looking twice as good. 'Hi Grampa' I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.
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