I have an Investigation Report. It contains many sections. It is grouped on people within the investigation. The group headers contain subreports dealing with different sections of the investigation. One section, the narrative, which is just a large text field containing an overview of the investigation starts 2/3s of the way down the first page. If the narative is less than 1/3 long it prints properly at the bottom of the first page. If the narative is long it doesn't start printing until the second page leaving a large white space at the bottom of the first page. How can I get the narrative subreport which is in a group header section to always start on the first page on continue on if necassary.
I have checked many times and there are no new page before or after boxes checked. There are no keep together boxes checked either.
Is it because it is in a group header or what??
I have checked many times and there are no new page before or after boxes checked. There are no keep together boxes checked either.
Is it because it is in a group header or what??