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Fixing the size and position of a form 2

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Technical User
Jan 15, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to fix the display size and position of a form on screen without making the for Modal?

Set the border style to dialog. this will keep people from resizing the form. As for getting rid of the title bar so people can't move it, I'm not sure. Perhaps you could use API's to keep the window where you want it.
Thanks JimbOne

I trie that and it didn't work.

The form that I am opening over is perm. diplayed maximised and everything that I open on top of it also becomes maximised
why is it that all your forms are opening maximized? do you want this to be happening? What version of access are you using?
Office XP pro in WinXP pro

No I don't want all my forms maximized. that is the problem. But I do want my main form maximized as everything is driven off that
There is a Height, Width, Top, and Left properties you can set at design time or programmatically.
You could use the above properties, but to fix the problem you are currently having with all the windows maximizing, do the following. In each form which you don't want maximized place the following code in the Form_Load() event:


this will return the window to a non-maxmized state.

Hope this helps, let me know how it works out for you.

Thanks JimbOne

That restores all forms and I need to leave the form in the background maximized
I am having the same problem. I have a form that was working fine, opening maximized. Now it is about 1" off the screen to the left and 1" off the screen at the top. The only I can see the screen probably is to use both scrollbars, except my form exactly fits my screen and I do not want scrollbars and it is annoying to have to keep shifting the form each time using the scrollbars. I compared the properties of this form with one that is working and everything was the same. I don't have a lot of codes in the form so I don't think that is it. I have REM out the Maximize command but that didn't do anything either. I tried chang it from sizable to dialog, changing the margins, everything.

Does anyone have any ideas what the deal could be? Thanks, JL
How are ya Parkroyal . . . .

Whats wrong with setting the other forms as [blue]POP-Ups[/blue]! They even have the benefit of resizing to fit and do a good job of it, beside the fact they don't have to be Modal.

I havn't designed one DB that doesn't have at least two, three, or more [blue]POP-Ups[/blue] . . . .

See Ya! . . . . . .
i agree with the aceman. most of the forms if not all are set as popup in my databases. i also remove all borders and controls and create my own on the forms including title bars

"My God! It's full of stars...
The issue that many of you are running up against is that Access doesn't like to mix the window state of the application child windows. This behavior is not only seen during execution of an application, but it is the same in the VBE as well. Maximize one window, they all maximize; set one to normal state, and they all normalize.

The real question is what lenghts are you willing to go to get the desired effect, and what are willing to give up in the process? For example, Pop up work great, but they don't show up in the task bar which means you cannot leave a pop-up, and get back to it by clicking on its icon in the taskbar. Using modal forms comes at a price of sacrificing MDI capabilities.

How deep into the system do you want to go?

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Until three days ago, I had all forms automatically maximize on Form Open. After reading one of these threads and discovering the delights of the Tab Control I now have set most of my forms as popups and set them to open in the upper right hand corner of the screen. But this one form needs to open maximized and it does, but just off the screen. It may have something to do with the tab control on the form, and I have tried resizing it and when I do, it does make the form smaller, thereby, dropping the screen so I only have the 1" on the left hidden. Can't figure out anyway to make it open the screen more to the right.

Since I am getting help, what is a modal, and how is it different or used with a Pop-Up?

Thanks for all the comments and help, JL
janetlyn . . . . .
TheAceMan1 said:
[blue]When a form opens as a modal form, you must close the form before you can move the focus to another object.[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .
Well, that explanation solved another of my problems I couldn't figure out, so thank you. Any ideas on why I cannot get my form to stay on the screen? Thanks, JL
janetlyn . . . .

Forgive me . . . . . but its hard enough dealing with one thread that suddenly splits into two or more. Besides, this is not not fair to [blue]Parkroyal[/blue]. who I'm sure is interested in all info here.

If you start another thread, I'll be sure to pick it up . . . as well as other tipsters. This way we can deal with you . . . . . one on one. . . . I think you understand what I mean ;-)

Lets give [blue]Parkroyal[/blue] the deserved attention!

See Ya! . . . . . .
Hiya AceMan I'm fine; been away for a while though. Thanks for the thought and yes I am still interested but happy to see the thread develope where it will.So don't mind me.

I resolved this prob long ago. It was purley for looks (I'm Vain like that) I left the main sceen maximised and either set the other forms as pop Up's or used the restore to resize a form and then when that form was closed re-openend the main screen maximised again.

I hav also learned since then how to get rid of things that I don't want my opps to see Which was the reason for maximising the main screen in the first place.

One of the issues was to stop people getting at the windows task bar. This db controls every aspect of my business and opperators dont need to waste time out of the system doing things that they shouldn't be doing on my time.

Esspecially on the sensitive machines that run our booking systems. They have a couple of free machines in the room where they take their breaks for that and there is no restriction on breaks (unless they abusse the situation which rarley hapens)

CajunCenturion is right Windows doesn't like mixing it. If there where another choice, to be honest, I would use it. I like Access as a front end but there are others that are just as good running on other platforms. My servers and my personal machines run Linux and have done for years. The only reason why we use MS in an office enviroment is access to other software that is either not available or not as good, for other platforms.

AceMan, I apologize for stepping into Parkroyal's thread. I am pretty new to this and kinda thought we were still talking about the same thing. So, I will start another thread asking the question above. Thanks for the tip and letting me know about modals. JL
I read this topic and all the threads but havnt found an answer. I have one form thats set to pop-up but and auto-resize. But for some reson it wont. It opens as a datasheet with 2 coloms. For now theres only 10 records, but that may grow to 50 soon, i want the form to resize with the list as it grows, until it gets to long, then it will start using the verticle scroll bar. Ive neever had this problem with other forms. they all seem mto autoresize, except this one. Theres no code behind the form so i cant figure whats going on. No other forms are open, and if they are there open to normal and as pop-up but his window has the focus. Please help.
Shaiss, since no one else is answering I think I would open a new form, go to the old form and highlight everything on the form, copy it, and then paste onto the new form. Then start messing with the properties to see what you get. Also, if you already have a form that does do what you want that is like the one that is messing up, open both and go back and forth between the two making sure all the properties for the messed up on are the same as the one that works.

I hope this helps, because otherwise I don't know what to tell you. If this doesn't help, at least it will bring this thread to the top again, and one of the smart people will answer. Janet Lyn
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