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Faxing a Report?

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Technical User
Jun 10, 2004
I know you can e-mail a report out of access but can I fax the report also? If this is possible, how do I do it?

Do you have fax capabilities (ie software, modem etc) on your computer. If so you should be able to send the report to the fax driver, just like a printer. Go to File -> Page Setup -> Page and choose specific printer.

Sounds simple, I'll give it a try. Another question, if a have table with the person's fax number and e-mail address, can I have the report sent automatically or do have have to re-type the fax number and or the email addrss? Thanks for your help.

That I'm not sure on. That would involve passing a parameter to your fax software. What OS are you using? I think XP has some fax capability that you may be able to work with.
How are ya Neup44 . . . . .

Just a little heads-up here . . . . .

Tek-Tips has an Access Reports Forum, where all the report guru's gather!

See Ya! . . . . . .
You can use MSFAX is you wish. You just need to set up in outlook (thats my email client) add a new email called Fax Mail Transport. It is in the list you chose from. Then in the modules section place this code...
' This function will walk through the Customers table and fax the Invoices report which
' is filtered by the CustomerId field using MSFax through Access SendObject.
' This function assumes the report rptMSFaxInvoices has the default printer set to MSFax
' and the MSFax driver is installed correctly.
' *******************************************************************************************
Function MSFaxInvoices()

' Diming all variables

Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
Dim rstCustomers As Recordset

' Setting database and recordset variables

Set dbsNorthwind = CurrentDb()
Set rstCustomers = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset("Customers", dbOpenDynaset) ' Set Recordset to Customers table

' Walking through the Customers recordset until end of file, setting the global variable
' strInvoicesWhere to the current where and using SendObject passing
' customers fax number and report name.

If MsgBox("Do you want to fax invoices" & Chr(13) & "to all customers using MSFax?", 4) = 6 Then
With rstCustomers
Do Until .EOF
strInvoiceWhere = "[customerid] = '" & ![CustomerID] & "'" ' sets global strInvoiceWhere
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "rptMSFaxInvoice", acFormatRTF, "[fax:" & ![Fax] & "]", , , , , False ' Runs Report to MSFax
.MoveNext ' Move to next record in Recordset
End With
End If

End Function

See where the sendobject uses "Fax:" and then adds the number from the table. This works great. Outlook sees the "Fax" then uses the Fax client and your phone line to fax the items.

Hope This Helps,
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