I have recently started having problems with emails being recieved and listed in the inbox - but when you try and preview them it says they contain active content and that can't be displayed.
If you try to open, copy, move or Delete, it says the email cannot be found.
I get 403 Forbidden if I try and open it through OWA.
And I can't delete or open it from the M Drive - It says it can't find the message.
I know the emails are plain text - they have come from two different sources.
I have had email's come through from these sources scrambled in the past - and only these sources - By scramble I mean the disclaimer is mixed in with the email content, but on them resending the email it is fine. Could this problem be the fact the two sources are using the same software and it is corrupting the email - or is it likely to be my side.
System Setup:
Exchange 2000 SP3 - Windows 2000 Server SP4
GFI Freeware Spam Filter
McAfee GroupShield 4.5
EFS Pop to SMTP mail collection.
This has only started happening since Friday and I have had the same setup for 6 months plus - which leads me to thing I either have a DB problem of Groupsheild has had an update which is causing problems.
Any help or suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I have recently started having problems with emails being recieved and listed in the inbox - but when you try and preview them it says they contain active content and that can't be displayed.
If you try to open, copy, move or Delete, it says the email cannot be found.
I get 403 Forbidden if I try and open it through OWA.
And I can't delete or open it from the M Drive - It says it can't find the message.
I know the emails are plain text - they have come from two different sources.
I have had email's come through from these sources scrambled in the past - and only these sources - By scramble I mean the disclaimer is mixed in with the email content, but on them resending the email it is fine. Could this problem be the fact the two sources are using the same software and it is corrupting the email - or is it likely to be my side.
System Setup:
Exchange 2000 SP3 - Windows 2000 Server SP4
GFI Freeware Spam Filter
McAfee GroupShield 4.5
EFS Pop to SMTP mail collection.
This has only started happening since Friday and I have had the same setup for 6 months plus - which leads me to thing I either have a DB problem of Groupsheild has had an update which is causing problems.
Any help or suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.