Hi I am using excel 2003 and have created a number of lists. But when i make a selection in a list it changes the other lists as well. I only want it to change the final column depeding on the selection of the previous choices.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Result Column
a bb cc dd yes/no
b cx de de yes/no
Each column has multiple enteries, but they shouldn't change the neighbour column after i make a selection. Only the result column should change after making a certian combination and I am entering all the data.
Hope this makes sence, thanks.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Result Column
a bb cc dd yes/no
b cx de de yes/no
Each column has multiple enteries, but they shouldn't change the neighbour column after i make a selection. Only the result column should change after making a certian combination and I am entering all the data.
Hope this makes sence, thanks.