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Error Message at Logon 8

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Feb 25, 2003
I would get this error message when I tried to logon to my server in the morning:

Application popup: userinit.exe - Ordinal Not Found : The ordinal 175 could not be located in the dynamic link library USERENV.dll.

What the heck is going on?

I'm running win2000 server SP4.
whoa cool thanks for the link/idea mike...sorry to doubt you. that disk would have made things much easier
We came across this same error this morning. No amount or rebooting (as suggested above) seemed to make any difference.

At the blank blue screen, I brought up task manager and started cmd. From the command prompt, I browsed to the SP4 CD and started the service pack install again. It completed with no issues, and the logon problem has been resolved.
On a w2000 pro pc,I had this last night, thismorning At the blank blue screen, I brought up task manager and started winnt\eplorer.exe which got the pc going. copied userinit.exe and userenv.dll from another w2000 pro pc onto the desktop, restarted in safe mode pasted these files into \system32 (it said one didn't work)re-started and it's ok
I was getting the same error. But I was able to logon to my server with remote desktop from my workstation. I then copied the userint.exe (Thanks tgtcat6!!!) from one of my other servers and pasted it into the correct directory. problem solved with no reboot.
anyone having problems getting sp4 to install ive tried to install it 2 or 3 times on a win 2k pro and it has failed every time i get an error saying it cant find these file i cant tell you which one but its been different every time. it also hoses my op system and i have to go in and do in place of repair and its a real pain to do and get to work right
thanks for your help
listen here morons, you are all wrong.

just copy the userninit.exe and the DLL that comes up in the error to your system32 folder.

if your windows hangs after login, hit ctrl-alt-del, run new task, "explorer". this should bring you in.

then copy the files from a known good source, like an operational server.

mcdonald's drive-threw tech. (I-Drive Orlando, FL)
"Would you like fries wi-dat?" - Sucka
Thanks lochrane!! I copied those files to the server and everything works great.
It's usefull for tctcat6's replay. and I have get rid of my problem.
my solution step the same with lochrane
go luck to everbody!
I just ran into this error, under different circumstances. I was installing SP4 on W2K AS, via WTS. I made the mistake of ending the WTS session during the SP4 install. When I tried to login to the machine, I was greeted with the "the ordinal 175 could not be located in the dynamic link library USERENV.dll" error. The tips above did not work for me.

I ended up calling MS for help. $245 and 2.5 hours later this is how we finally fixed the problem.

1. Boot from CD into Recovery console
2. cd c:\winnt\$NtServicePackUninsall$\spuninst
(directory only exists if you chose archive option with installing SP4)
3. batch spuninst.bat
(since the recovery console will not run .bat files directly, the batch command is necessary here.
4. Grab a soda or several, it's gonna take ~ 20 min to remove SP4.
5. exit the recovery console and reboot.
6. (re)install SP4
7. reboot

I had this same problem.
Here is the fix. Copy the file USERINIT.EXE and USERENV.DLL from the system32 directory of a healthy Win2K server and place it in the system32 dir of the faulty Server.

In response to the claussen message, We had the exact error, and the fix we figured out on our own, will work for any ordinal error, and sp4 problem, or any dll prob. All he had to do is hit ok, then hit ctrl-alt-del, select new task, and type explorer to load the windows shell. Then copy the files. Would have saved him 245 bucks and a lot of time. Our $4000 dell powervault had a power failure in the middle of sp4, and we got it back up in about five minutes with none of the 4 raid configurations effected and no info loss. Sorry you wasted the money calling microsoft. He should've hung up and kept and open case for that one.

And also, BJM0503 could have saved more time by not writing our exact response over again in the same post.


mcdonald's drive-threw tech. (I-Drive Orlando, FL)
"Would you like fries wi-dat?" - Sucka
Chaps, why bother logging on at all? if using microsoft file sharing (which most of us are) over the network simply browse to \\hostname\c$ on the effected workstation/server and replace userenv.dll and userinit.exe with files from a healthy donor and hey presto. didn't even require a re-boot (4 a change).

cheers all for the help!
To who ever first suggested bringing up the security screen from the blank blue screen and rebooting the machine...

I owe you big time. You saved me $245 and 24 hours of hell trying to deal with DellHost/Microsoft.

I will commit a random act of kindness on your behalf.

Anyof you guessing how to bypass the login screen here is a simple tip.
After you login the server and .... nothing happens.
Just press CTRL+DEL, click task manager.
From the File menu click Run and put explorer.
This will bring up your desktop.
No need to fidle around with boot disks and network access.
It worked for me hundred of times.
Regarding the proble it self.
For me it happens when I tried to upgrade to SP4 from SP2 on a Share Point Portal Server.
The SP did not finishe and I was stucked in the midle of SP4 installation.
I had to stop all service I though not necessary (SMTP, Then I run SP4 again and ... voila everything is good and dandy.

Had this come up last night while installing SP4 on a group of servers, and couldn't replace userinit.exe and the dll, since it said the files were in use. I did have one server that wasn't being patched which had the W2K Resource Tools installed, and all four machines responded perfectly to a remote shutdown. When they came back up, I was able to log in fine.
I've just come across this problem as well unfortunately. Cant do any of the easy login options though. Install was done via Terminal Services. Just before finishing it came up with error missing services.exe ! . My connection got disconnected later and could only bring up a blue screen after that or USERENV.dll error. Now the server just continuously reboots itself. Coming up enough to ping for 30seconds then back down again.

Going to try installing the files and booting as people mentioned above. If anyone has any ideas in the meantime would be grateful to hear from you.

Thanks, Matt
Just a tip for anyone who isn't aware. MS strongly disagree with TS installs of any MS software - They won't support it and don't like it one bit. As the above post proves!!!

I use microsoft file sharing over the network \\hostname\c$ and replace userenv.dll and userinit.exe
then i logon and execute
and reboot

it works fine

many thanks !!!
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