I a little more need help on this one. I have a form that contains lookup information about computers in for repairs. After I lookup a computer, a subform shows the parts that have been orders for it. I have a command button that will be used to notify the Technician that the part has arrived. I can’t get it to pull the email address from the subform's [PagerEmail] field. Any suggestions?
Private Sub cmdNotifiy_Click()
Dim emBody As String
emBody = ""
emBody = emBody & "Your " & Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![PartShortName] & vbCrLf
emBody = emBody & "for " & Forms!frmParts!ServiceTag & vbCrLf
emBody = emBody & "arrived" & vbCrLf
MsgBox emBody
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, EMail, , Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![PagerEmail], , , "Parts Arrived", emBody
Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![DateTechEmailed] = Date
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNotifiy_Click()
Dim emBody As String
emBody = ""
emBody = emBody & "Your " & Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![PartShortName] & vbCrLf
emBody = emBody & "for " & Forms!frmParts!ServiceTag & vbCrLf
emBody = emBody & "arrived" & vbCrLf
MsgBox emBody
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, EMail, , Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![PagerEmail], , , "Parts Arrived", emBody
Forms!frmParts!frmPartsSub.Form!![DateTechEmailed] = Date
End Sub