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EDI and the Internet 1

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Jun 25, 2002
My company is beginning to do research to eventually purchase a software package to trade EDI documents on the internet. I would greatly welcome comments and or suggestions on companies and packages already being used or evaluated. Some of the requirements that we are looking for at this time are:

1. UCCNet Certified
2. Evaluated by the Gartner Group as part of the Magic Quadrant.
3. Have the ability to FTP, dial out via modem as well as AS2.
4. Ease of installation with the ability to operation on multiple platforms.
5. Be able to integrate with current Sterling Commerce Gentran.

I have seen bits of information on iSoft, IPNet, IBM and Sterling Commerce. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Do you have any previous experience with Lexicom? As I'm in the process of setting it up :)

I'm sorry for the delay. Answering your question, I'm experienced with Cleo solutions, and trying to push AS2 based solutions in Mexico. Right now I've been involved in a couple of pilot projects, we are testing (It is not the same thing to implement AS2 here in Mexico, but if I can help you please let me know.

I think it is the best option for those with a previous EDI, Data Interchange implementation. If you are interchanging EDI documents with at least a partner, and you own a translation tool, the best to choose is Lexicom, it is a comm software, and you can use it even if you choose to use Internet EDI delivery and VAN as a bypass transportation channel.

Hope this helps.

Hi, edianalyst,

I remeber you mentioned in your previouse message( i forgot which one) that your company are ready to use iSoft AS2 solution. In my understanding, AS2 is Pear-to-Pear solution which means customer can't control how to connect to another end(server) since both ends are servers. If I am wrong, please correct me.

So, Could you tell me what you did mean in your message when you said you were reday to use AS2 ?


HI edisky,

I don't recall saying that for iSoft, however we've just finished setting up Cleo Lexicom. Ummm, about being ready to use AS2 I just meant we've reconfigured our firewalls/ports, setup the AS2 solution & the interface between our EDI translator and finished part of the testing.

Hope this helps, & thanks.

hi, edianalyst,

Thanks. Sorry for the late reply. How do you think about Cleo Lexicom? From your statement, you company already implement Cleo's AS2. iSoft said they would spend 1 month to implement AS2 solution. What is your experience? Do your customer install same As2 server or other interoperable AS2 server? Do you have any real transaction ? Up to ears?[thumbsup]


hi edisky,

Actually, lately, we just started having problems with the AS2 software and is currently trying to resolve once* Cleo gets back to me ~_~. However, it maybe because we're doing both AS2 communications testing followed by EDI testing that we're encountering such problems, the majority of the AS2 problems are fixed pretty quickly by Cleo. Lexicom alone is a pretty good product I'd say, simple to use and all, but their support I think needs some improving.
hi edianalyst,

did you have to install JVM to run Lexicomm client on your machine? I am running my EDI translator on HP-UX and not sure whether I could install Lexicomm without JVM. also does installing Lexicomm means I should always use the client to send or receive messages or I could use my traditional way alongwith Lexicomm??
I run my Lexicom on Windows but I think you do need to install JVM. You can use it to send messages or you can write scripts to run Lexicom to send it. What is your traditional way?
my traditional way is primarily FTP, SMTP. but i do connect to many partners and i do not want to talk to them by using this product. i would like to go to each and every one of them the way i am talking today but would exchange messages using this client for a few of them. this is due the cost involved in using this client for so many partners. that is why my original questions was whether this client intervenes with the normal ftpi do form UNIX or does this client only send messages that i put in a directory??

does anyone have experience with the AS2 clients installed on your UNIX server??
This client won't intervene with your current methods i believe as long as you only enable the AS2 hosts/listener for it. Even if you do use it for FTP/SMTP, you can still run the scipts of each protocol separately. Yes, it will only send messages that you put in a directory with the exception of the MDNs. You mentioned the cost involved for using this software for so many TPs, were you referring to Lexicom specifically or other AS2 communication software?
hi edianalyst,

I searched Cleo web site and read their words for Lexicom. They mentioned Lexicom Certificate Manager can assign specific certificates to specific hosts. That means I have to buy or make each certificate for each customer, right? What is your experience? It seems like there is no one certificate for all TPs. Moreover, could you tell me how long it will take generating certficate request and real certificate?

I think you can do both, so far I've only been creating certs for each TP. It takes less than 5 mins to generate one, it's just a matter of filling out a very short form with your company specific info.
Hi edisky, edianalyst

Are you talking about the difference between a trusted certificate and a self signing certificate?

HI, SoupKid

No. Actually, there is no significant different between trusted Cert. and self signing cert. It depends on the credit of the cert. signer. For example, IBM can offer you certificates you can think it is a trusted cert. since IBM has high credit.

BUt in edianalyst's situation, i think his company has to buy each liscence for each certtificate accordingly. Is it right, edianalyst?


Anyone with experience in setting up btrade on HP-UX?

I'm getting an error message that the Bind call failed: permission denied for the HTTP and HTTPS Listen thread

Any clue?

Hi SoupKid & edisky,

No, we don't have to purchase any certificates, we generate our own. I think it really depends if the other party also require a trusted cert or if they'll take a self-signed one.

We are researching the Cleo Lexicom software to transmit EDI. Can anyone tell me if this can be done from an AS/400 server, using a dumb terminal, or must it be on a windows based PC?

Thank you for your time.

Cleo says its product is platform independent sice it is a 100% Java based software.

Hope it helps. Good luck!
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