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ecs motherboard problem????? 2

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Technical User
Dec 10, 2002
I recently built a new box, with a k7s5a_ecs mb, 2 sticks crucial sdram 256mb/32x64 pc-133, amd athlon 1600+/266 processor, and a maxtor 30g 7200rpm hd. Using fully updated win98se. computer will run great for awhile then just lock-up. no particular program seems to cause this does it on anything. I am using the old video card (very old, not exactly sure what it is) if anyone has any ideas comments or anything i would appreciate it. thanks in advance....MUTT everyday you learn something new, the day you dont is the day you die....so make someone live longer teach them something.......MUTT
These motherboards really do run more stabily with DDR memory, why I don't know but swopping SD for DDR has resolved many similar problems that we have encounted with this model.
As mentioned, check temps in bios (should be well below 50C)
Having compatible components and up to date drivers is essential for a stable system so you might want to check on that graphics card.
Martin Replying helps further our knowledge, without comment leaves us wondering.
thank you all so far for responses, it is much appreciated. fyi, the box is not mine, i just put it together for a friend. yes i would much rather run 2kpro like on my own box but this is what they wanted. as for the video card they didnt want to spend the extra money yet. it has 2 case fans and an antech cpu fan. temps stay down around 42-43C about 34 at idle. I was not aware of the ddr and sdram problem, that advice is much appreciated. one of the biggest problems i believe is the 2 high school girls that use it most of the time lol. I will try to change a few things as mentioned and let you know how it went. again ty for the help. everyday you learn something new, the day you dont is the day you die....so make someone live longer teach them something.......MUTT
I had similar problems with my k7s5a. I started out running 2 sticks of pc133, 256mb each. My machine would lock in any heavy graphics applications. After a few hours research, I removed 1 stick of ram. No more lockups. I don't know why, but it works fine with just 1 stick of pc133. I have read of many others doing the same thing with the same reults.
This is GREAT !!!! I have been pulling my hair out for 2 months. Here is my set up:

athlon 1700+
(2) PC133 256 mb
GeForce4 4200 Ti
60 gig 7200 rpm Wetern Digital
k7s5a motherboard

I have literally replaced everyting in my PC to find out why during graphics applications I lock. This post made me so excited, I wanted to leave work to fix it hehe. The only problem I have is I need to buy 512mb stick now. I refuse to run only 256mb on my machine. The games I play and applications i use require at least 512mb. So the bottom line is never put 2 sticks of memory in this board ?
I think that some of the problems with this board might be the total amount of memory when running win98, 512 has been known to cause problems with 98 I had similar lockup problems with this board, but I don't think they were memory related. I had tried different memory to no avail then I reseated the motherboard and all the cards and it's been running very stable for 6 months now(256meg sdram, win98se)
Has anyone run xp or 2000 on this board with 2 sticks of sdram (over 256megs)? I'd be interested to hear if this worked O.K. If you're going through Hell...keep going... (Winston Churchill)
Hello :)

Had 2 sticks of 256Mb PC-133.

Pulled both out, replaced with one stick of 512 PC-133 (intending to add one of the 256s back in)

No POST...

Having a tough time figuring this one out..
Verified it is not a bad RAM stick.

WIN XP Home, AMD 2100+, ATi Radeon 8500.

Will post here if/when I come up with a solution.

rockerfellerz, this box i built i initially put w2k on it, but the kids like to play alot of games and as we know w2k doesnt get along with gamers. the box still locked up with both sticks of ram. i have pulled out one stick of ram and it seems to be more stable with 98se now i am trying to get them to buy a new video card to completely refresh the system. i will let you know how it works, thank you all for your responses. everyday you learn something new, the day you dont is the day you die....so make someone live longer teach them something.......MUTT
I've a k7s5a board and 2 512mb sticks of pc133, works fine here. Use 3D studio max and rhino allllll the time, never locked up (unless I've done something idiotic, of course). I do not know what's up, but hey, I guess I am lucky! :D

Running XP pro here, by the way. (if that makes a difference)
Well I hope pulling out one stick of ram works like the above posts. I have had no problem after buying a new case 2 weeks ago now it locks up on every application. I am putting a new copper heat sync on my processor this weekend just so I know I covered that aspect.But if using only one stick of RAM and using a new heat sync dont work I give up, I will buy a new mother board. I dont usually give up but this is getting beyond frustrating. Especially playing Everquest and having a Link Death/LD. I am running XP Pro to add to my component list above =)Any ideas what to do next let me know PLEASE !!!
I installed the ECS K7S5A in my box last week. I got a 133 64meg sdram module and a 256 (320 total), which runs with no problems.

Only problems I have had are related to the battey - lost cmos settings, time/date and regions.
Web Design Beyond Limitations....
A friend of mine has similar issues with this board...tried everything. After much research, I found out this board is picky with the components you use...particularly the PSU and RAM. Since RAM seems to have been ruled out, maybe this would help your issues...I hope!! Use a Antec 300W. Some of the cheaper brands do not push out the power this board needs.
I hope I helped you, let us know.
I appreciate that but I just went and bought an $80 400 watt powersupply. I think it is the RAM the more I read. I am going to buy 1 stick of 512 DDR this weekend and put my new copper heat sync in, after that if it is still locking up.......its gone. I will write a letter to ECS saying how "word of mouth is the best advertising" and I have ALOT of friends who build computers and I will never recommend an ECS product.
I am currently running into an issue where the fan powers up in the box, but nothing else appears to.
I have 1 stich of 256MB pc133, seagate 30G no OS, an I/O magic 16 video card, I just bought a new case with a 300W power supply.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

I am currently running into an issue where the fan powers up in the box, but nothing else appears to.
I have 1 stich of 256MB pc133, AMD 2000, seagate 30G no OS, an I/O magic 16 video card, I just bought a new case with a 300W power supply.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Haven't been on the boards for a while, but after reading this post, I now know I'm not crazy. Same board, 2 sticks 133, 98 FE and 40 gig WD HDD and had the same trouble as everyone here. I first swapped video cards, worked well for a while, but still got some lock ups. Finally, stuck in 1 stick 256 DDR, seemed very stable. Also loaded (clean install) XP Home - haven't had any trouble since. 'If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you.'
bshan14, ..... After re-reading some post on this thread,... I have a question concerning one of yours, and was hoping that you could clarify it.

You said, "I have had no problem after buying a new case 2 weeks ago now it locks up on every application."

Are you saying that you had NO problems with your system PRIOR to buying your new case? (and i'm assuming that you installed it in the new case.) OR,...are you saying that you bought a new case,..(installed it)...everything worked fine for two weeks,...then all of a sudden freeze up issues started?

As for the "bottom line issue with the ram",... No,...there are many people with this board that run 2 sticks of ram and have no problems at all.

Also,...your PSU is probably fine,....however just want to share something through my own personal experience and after much research into this subject...."What You See,....Is Not Always What You THINK You Are Getting." Alot of PSU's don't put out the current/voltage that is required for a system to function properly. And the more you have in your system,...the more power (current/voltage) needed. Price does not always mean quality, ...and whether the number labeled on the PSU be 300W, 350W 400W, 450W etc.... , doesn't mean that it puts out accurrate current/voltage. Always check your bios for proper readings,...manually test for the most accurrate readings. And as a rule of thumb,...look on your PSU label,...look for a section that says "TOTAL COMBINED OUTPUT" If you see those words (or something similar), on your PSU,...look to the right of those words,...if they state the actual specs,...this is a Sign of a good PSU. If those words appear,...but then the spaces to the right are blank,...Well...lets just say,...one should be cautious of those manufactures that don't want to disclose those numbers. After all...what do they have to hide. [thumbsup]

Skymut....is the new video card AGP?

**One more thing,...always put a clean HDD in this board when first assembling this system. Doesn't have to be new,...but it does need to be wiped clean (use a program like "WIPE" or "ZERO FILL") Putting HDD's from other systems that you may have had, without first wiping it out,...has been known to cause ALOT of the same issues that are being posted here.

I Hope that someone will find something useful in this post that can help.

Good Luck!!!! [bigcheeks]

I have taken the easy way out...
I spent the extra cash and got a real motherboard and now all my problems have went away. I got an ASUS "K7N266" It was worth the little extra cash it costs. For those that just got this board and are having issues with it. My advice is to send it back.


Leedeebug....No I was having problems before.. so I thought it was a heat problem because everything was so close so I bought a larger case. Well rest assure the above problem was correct. I put 1 512 DDR memory in and no lock ups. I also put that copper heat sink in just in case, its better than oe anyway.

P.S. Thanks for all the info hopefully this will help some other ECS motherboard owner :)
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