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E-Metro 1

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Sep 22, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Moving away from thread we hijacked.


telcodog (TechnicalUser)
20 Jun 12 17:31
Drop those BCMs and go with an EMetroTel SRG solution. You can keep all your Nortel sets and use most of the DSM modules you currently have in your BCMs. You get all those features you need with no licensing issues AND the system is supported by vendors and the manufacturer. It's also a lot cheaper than the IP Office.

curlycord (Programmer)
21 Jun 12 10:54
Why go eMtrotel when so few features?.

All they have is

• F*0 – Button Inquiry
• F*1 – Autodial - External
• F*2 – Autodial – Internal (UNISTIM ext only)
• F*3 – Memory Buttons - Programming
• F3 – Transfer / Conference
• F4 - Call forward (F#4 cancel CF)
• F5 - Last number redial
• F*501 – Language – Primary (US-En)
• F*502 – Language –Alternate 1 (CDN-Fr)
• F*503 – Language – Alternate 2 (Spanish)
• F*504 – Language – Alternate 3 (custom)
• F*6 – Ring Type
• F*7 – Display Contrast Adjust
• F70 – Transfer Blind (F#70 cancel Transfer)
• F74 - Call Park
• F75 - Group Pickup
• F76 – Directed Pickup
• F*80 – Ring volume
• F85 - Do Not Disturb (toggling capability)
• F#85 – Do Not Disturb – Cancel
• F803 – Time (speaking clock)
• F812 – Call Log – View Information
• F9*9 – Logger/MTT time stamp
• F960 - Dial by name (Directory Service)
• F981 – Voice Mail Login
• F984 - Call forward to Voice Mail (F#4 to cancel)
• F985 – Display Voice Mail DN
• F986 – Transfer To Mail Box
• F989 – Record Call
• F*999 – Hot Desking (F#*999 cancel)


telcodog (TechnicalUser)
21 Jun 12 19:06
It does a lot more than that. Those are just the BCM/Norstar feature codes they incorporate so they can maintain the look and feel of existing sets. It's not necessary for them to have the whole complement of feature codes because most users don't use them anyway.

They have their own set of feature codes as well and if you don't like them, you can change them to conform to the BCM codes. This system is asterisk based and was developed by some of the very engineers at Nortel that developed the Norstar and BCMs so they know what they're talking about. It also addresses a lot of the shortfalls of the BCM as well.

I know about them because I'm certified on it and have installed quite a few. I've also worked on BCMs since they came out with them and as far as I'm concerned, if you currently have a Norstar or BCM and don't like the prospect of dealing with Big Red, this is a fantastic system that works flawlessly.

You are of course, entitled to your own opinion.

norstarboy125 (Vendor)
22 Jun 12 0:59
telcodog, I have never heard of the srg for that system? Only ucx 50, 450, 1000 models. You also said you got trained on the product? Where did you go for the class? I have been interested in the system myself now for sometime but haven't got around to getting my hands on one. I have spoke to a few other members on tek-tips that have though and really praise the system. I personally hate the big red even though I have been installing quite a few IP 500's lately but honestly I don't care for them myself. I guess maybe the fact that I've been installing Nortel's for 17 yrs. that might have something to do with it...lol. One little basic thing/feature that was finally fixed by them that Norstar should of handled so so long ago - CLID with name and number, that is freaking great and the extra ring tones aren't to shabby either along with some other nice features that I've read about.

Jeremy J. Carter
Charm City Communications
Norstar. BCM. CS1000 Programmer

hawks (IS/IT--Management)
22 Jun 12 8:36
We also carry the E-Metrotel for about 5 or 6 monthss now and so far it has been a nice VoIP system.

curlycord (Programmer)
22 Jun 12 11:15
Other features?
Web site does not seem to be very good with docs etc.
"for more info email us" ....I hate that lol.


New Posttelcodog (TechnicalUser)
22 Jun 12 22:14
Norstarboy125, if you want to continue discussing this, you should start a new thread as we seem to have hijacked MSDI's

New PostMSDI (ISP)
23 Jun 12 7:50
Not a problem, by the way, thanks to QueBall780 for the very complete answer, really helped me out.

Regarding EMetroTel, seems cool indeed, but like curlycord said, not much detail on the website. I filled the form to become a reseller to have access to more documentation, and still waiting for a reply (3 days ago, a quicker answer would have given me more trust in the company) :(

It's hard to trust a small startup company on such a critical system. If they go out of business in a year, you are left with a multi thousands system that you need to trash since you have no support on it. And customers might not appreciate the recommandation you did to them to switch everything to them. Going with Avaya is less risky as it's the normal path from Nortel, the customer couldn't blame you if Avaya was to go out of business like Nortel Did.

I wonder if EMetroTel even sold a bigger system than the 50... There is some documentation on this one, pictures, specs, etc. On the other, there is nothing if it's not a picture of what seems to be a Dell server of older generation like a Poweredge 1950.

Anyway, still fun to see the choice is not limited to Avaya for Nortel phones support. I'll wait for the reply regarding reseller access to hopefully see more doc.

New Posttelcodog (TechnicalUser)
24 Jun 12 17:00
Norstarboy, training for this system is provided via a series of videos that you have to buy. Usually though, when you purchase s system from them, they will supply a DVD with it but the most recent stuff is provided online via secured access to their training site. The only issue is that you must be a reseller (or on track to become one) before they will supply you with a username and password. Once you've worked your way through them, you then have to write an online test which costs about $500-$750 depending on your reseller discount level. Pretty cheap compared to what you have to go through for other systems.

As for the SRG solution, the only way you'll get that is to become a reseller. Their website is just there as a marketing tool (as far as I can see). There is very little technical information provided so if you need more you have to call them and talk to them directly. They're very good but if you're not a reseller they might not tell you too much.

If you're into CLID, then you'll be very happy with this box. It's got CLID manipulation all over the place. Almost too much actually, but hey, it's better than not having any.

MDSI, you can just pick up the phone and call them if you have concerns regarding their longevity. They've been around since 2008 and currently operate in several countries around the world. They are just now moving into the Canadian marketplace and are incredibly selective about who they bring on as resellers. It took me 7 months to get signed up! They say they will not resell through large Telcos like Bell, Telus, Allstream etc as they prefer smaller, proven interconnect type providers so that might provide you some comfort.

As for the hardware, they use appliances that are readily available and low cost but do the job that's required of them. If those Dell machines do it, then why not go with them? It's all about making it cheaper for the customer.

Like I said, I've installed quite a few and they work flawlessly. It;s a great alternative for existing Nortel customers, especially those who feel betrayed by Avaya killing off the BCM.

Hey Curly and everyone here.

I have an Emetrotel UCx50 system that I've completely replaced my BCM50 with. Why? Well after I got my hands on one of the systems, it completely filled the void between the BCM and CS1000.

Most modern IP PBX's used the same feature codes and ring patterns the same across the board, if you have a 10 phone or 10,000 phone system, such as the Cisco Call Manager. BCM/Norstar and CS1000 had completely different feature sets, such as ring choice options, CLID options, Voice Mail options, Paging options, etc.

What I LOVE about my UCx is that while it supports the BCM feature codes on Unistim phones, the Unistim phones function exactly the same as CS1000 phones, with the enhanced time and date on the phone sets, enhanced CLID, 8 ring tones choices from CS1000, Call Buzz, Personalized Feature Key lables.....all things that the Unistim phones didn't support on BCM.

I also love the interoperability between the sets. I have and 1140E, 1150E, 1120E, 1165E, 1110, 1220, i2001, M7208 and M7316E all operating on my system. Also, I have a SIP 1120E, Cisco 7970 and Avaya 9630 set operating as SIP in addition to the Unistim sets.

I really can't understand why there isn't more positive support from someone as Nortelesque as you Curly? Yes, they maybe need to add more information on their website, but I know they are working on it.

That's all I have time to write now, but if any of you have other questions, ask away.

Open Standards:
This system comes equipped with high quality and feature rich business phones from Nortel.
If you require other telephone options (including video phones), E-MetroTel UCX is all about choice. Pick from a wide range of vendors’ phones, hardware, and applications. The UCX support the widest choice in business telephones including phones from Polycom, Aastra, Cisco, Snom, Grandstream and more.
Hi Curly,

Yes a Polycom SIP phone will work on this system, just like the Nortel SIP, Cisco 7970 and Avaya 9630 I have set up. BUT, I bet the Polycom will work even better since it is more of an opensource SIP phone.

I haven't tried a Polycom myself, but I am willing to get it will work. In fact, I believe the staff at Emetrotel told me they have some working on their corporate system.

Give them a call, tell them Joe Sus told you to talk to them.


Their website is not working correctly. One issue I have is that I would like to see the product. Show me a picture and tell me how it works. They don't do that.

SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
I'm assuming that they swap out the hard disk with one that contains their own software?. I'm also guessing that it's treated in the same way as any conventional computer as the software is where you could have any licencing and copyright issues.

Either way, It's good to hear that these systems can be updated and hopefully last for a few more years. The main problem is getting some of the "Avaya" distributers interested in supporting the product.

All the best

Firebird Scrambler
Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK

If it's working, then leave it alone!.
Hi DigitelD,

I have my own system at home that I use to replace my BCM and experiment with. I am a true Phone Geek.

What I can try to do tonight is take a video of the way the system works at home, at least functionality wise.....

I haven't played around with You Tube much, is it free to upload videos?

In order to get the digital gateway to work in a BCM box:

-Disconnected BCM power
-I took the top cover off the BCM
-Disconnected the fan and data terminals
-Removed the old hard drive
-Placed the new UCx hard drive into the system
-Reconnected Fan and Hard Drive.
-Turned Power back on and Booted the system up and did the IP configuration in the Digital Gateway GUI web page.
-In about five minutes the digital phones I connected were up and running

I connected the digital phones via RJ-45 Connector Strip made by Nortel, but you can use an antiquated 66 block if you want. Pinout is same as BCM.

I wish CS1K was as easy as that!. Lol!. I'd be very interested to see more on this as I really want to get IP on my home test system working with my two analogue lines.

All the best

Firebird Scrambler
Meridian 1 / Succession and BCM / Norstar Programmer in the UK

If it's working, then leave it alone!.
That is the issue with us. Their website is not good at all. A good, informative website will generate a lot more business for them. At this point the impression is that they are not very "stable".

SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Hi Curly,

Other ways, include:

-operating the system as a non Nortel based system using Cisco or Polycom Pure SIP sets
-operating the system as all Nortel SIP based phones similar to the pure SIP Nortel system engineered with LG, the name slips my mind now.

UCx1000=CS1000 or CS2100

Unlike the past where CS1000/Meridian 1 had different feature sets than BCM/Norstar, all Nortel phones work exactly the same across all platforms. Basically, a little 3 extension system has the power of a 1,000 set PBX.


Re: "Does this mean some UCx software PCMCIA card for Norstar and a hard Drive (or software) for BCM's?"

With regard to the upgrade options for Norstar/BCM systems, to get your Norstar/BCM phones working with UCx, you'd have to do the following:

1. Norstar
You'd keep your phones and wiring, add a BCM50 unit with E-MetroTel's SSD (which converts the BCM50 to UCx digital gateway) + expansion chassis with DSM16/32 (if you have more than 12 phones).
2. BCM1000/200/400 with digital phones
You'd keep your phones, wiring, DSM modules, add a BCM50 unit with E-MetroTel's SSD + expansion chassis (for your DSMs).
3. BCM50 with digital phones
You'd keep your phones, wiring, BCM50, BCM50 expansions and DSM modules, replace the hard disk in the BCM with E-MetroTel's SSD.
4. BCM1000/200/400/50/450 with IP phones

Add a UCx server that can handle the number of extensions you have (or want to have) and that's all. All users will have access to features such as Find me/Follow me, call recording, conference bridges, SIP trunking and so on while being able to use phone features they are familiar with.

Maybe I should have mentioned that if you have a CS1000 system with IP phones, you can also replace the CS1000 with a UCx server - but this is a BCM forum... :)
I don't see how your phones could work if you do not have a call server (UCx50, UCx450 or UCx1000). IP phones connect to this server directly, digital phones via the UCx Digital Gateway (i.e., BCM50 with the SSD).

You can use unlimited SIP trunks - for analog/digital trunks, you'd need to add one or more FXO/BRI/PRI/GSM gateways.

Please note that I merely listed Norstar/BCM upgrade options - I didn't suggest that they are cost effective. I think the upgrade makes most sense for systems with mainly IP phones and for BCM50 systems.
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