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Element manager in win11 1


Systems Engineer
Jul 26, 2019
Is there anyway to use the Element manager in win11 for BCM400?
I've installed the Avaya 62.0.5 version OK on Windows 11. It's used to access any BCM version.
Using 60.3.0 with a BCM50 on Windows 11 here. I recall you may need to check the FAQ on Java.

Firebird - is there any real difference between 60.3.0 and 62.0.5?
"Is there anyway to use the Element manager in win11 for BCM400?"
Only for release 4.0, all previous versions are programmed with web browser only

Yes to Win 10 or 11

62.03 was the last regular version, 62.04 and 62.05 were temp fixes for certain issues.
Still, you can use anyone.

Make sure Java is installed then do the java fix....do this each time java is update, or if you just have a laptop only for connecting to devices and not regular internet use then you could disable java updates in it's console settings.

The Java fix:
Edit the java.security file. You may have to do this for every time java is updated.

-Do NOT use Win/File Explorer to do this
-In the Windows Task Bar Search box type Notepad, right click it and select "Run as Administrator".
-In notepad select File then select Open and navigate to:
For 32bit user Program Files/Java/YourVersion#/lib/security
For 64bit users Program Files (x86)/Java/YourVersion#/lib/security
-In the far lower right hand side change "txt files" to "all files"
-Open java.security
-Use the CTL + F command to start FIND
-Search for MD5
-You will ignore lines with “#” or “Example” at the beginning of a line (# ignores anything written after it)
-Remove these two references including the space before and comma after:
MD5 (2 locations)
MD5withRSA (1 location) but also on this same line remove TLSv1, TLSv1.1
Example of that line: jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA,
Should now look like : jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES,
-Click "File"
-Click “Save” not Save As
Test BEM
Thanks for reminding me about Java Curlycord. I just keep a renamed copy of the java.security file then copy as java.security and replace any updates.

There's probably a batch file to do this .

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