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Dreamweaver interface irritating

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Dec 16, 2001
I'd just to ask some other people if the find the Dreamweaver interface annoying. There are several things I find very crude.

When you create a link in a page, you must type in the http:// in the object box. Programs like FP, HotMetal, etc. do this for you.

When you are editing a page, you can't jump to a link within a page, as far as I can tell.

In the site view, you can't drag and drop a page to create a new page a la NetObjects

Help is a mess. Using HTML files for your help system is slow and the index system is a joke.

There is a huge bug in Dreaweaver 4.0 that causes editing to begin to slow when a page hits 40K; by the time the page is up to 100K it's uneditable.

Any comments, suggestions, ideas?

Comment, suggestion and idea.

Use something else!

Sorry for the bluntness....... :)

I'm sorry for the lack of content in your message.

[tt]Coming from the generation when we used to code everything using notepad and or notespad, I love it.

Ok, your obviously unhappy with dreamweaver so why not use something else? Macromedia are not going to change it that much for the next release, maybe the odd bug or two but the interface has been like this from the beginning as far as I can tell. If I'm using software and I feel comfortable using it then I stay with it. If I then try another programme and it's not as good as the other then I switch back. No point usning it if it's buggy and I can't be as productive as I was using the other programme.

I have to say I like it, esspecialy the interface. Nothings fixed so you can move palates out of the way if you need to. Can't say I've ever used Front Page but I have used HotMetal and I didn't like , so I stayed with Dreamweaver.


PS. I though it had all the content it needed.

Hi Rick,

Macromedia are not going to change it that much for the next release

Guess I was wrong about this, just installed the preview release Dreamwaever MX, they bloody changed it .....LOL.....

(you can still have the old style (v4) layout if you like though)

I may be way off mark,, but a "Macromedia Dreamweaver Forum" probably isn't the best place to complain about "Macromedia Dreamweaver"

[noevil] The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
I wasn’t complaining :) I love it, the MX version looks particularly good.

This isn't a matter of politics or ideology. If a tool works well, good. If it is awkward or difficult to use, not good. I posted the message to confirm my findings and to find out if I was missing something or if there were easy workarounds.

Apparently, there aren't. I must judge the product lacking in the areas I mention.

Some people prefer GoLive, the new version is very good. I think I prefer Dreamweaver though, mind you its good to use more than one program.
My initial examination of GoLive is that interface is far superior to Dreamweaver.

Rick, in my opinion DW it the best (most capable) editor available. I haven't used Golive. From the reviews I read it is getting closer but DW is still pretty much the handsdown favorite among pros, especially if you are doing dynamic content (dreamweaver ultradev). I think the help is good but should be more complete. There are quirks I don't like. It has a learning curve. I wouldn't use anything else right now.

I have never had a problem when working on large pages, nor have any of my friends. I have heard this complaint before though. I suspect it is hardware related, maybe a lack of memory or your video board or?

I do like Adobe products so I'll be watching. Peace
I have used most of the mainline tools and have done fairly extensive work in DW. Let me ask you: Are the points I've made valid? Because if so, I think the product fails Interface 101.

1. No added by dreamweaver. This is because not all links start with http:// I should be able to specify relative links and DW allows me that flexibility.

2. DW is an editor not a browser its an editor, so no i cannot jump to a link from within dreamweaver. I use the site management window to change to pages i want to edit within my site

3. I can create templates and apply a template to a new page. so do not need the drag and drop feature.

4. Help presentation was a mess with DW. I agree that HTML isn't good for a help system. But the matter within the help documents is EXCELLENT. However with MX that has been changed i hear

5. As a good designer it isn't advisable to create sites more than 40 K as no user with a modem would wait for your 40 K site to download. You must really be joking if you have made sites of 100 K. Wish you the best

I guess you should be happy with FP and the lot, cuz your last query just suggest what you are happy with

fragments of dream, weave them together
1. No added by dreamweaver. This is because not all links start with http:// I should be able to specify relative links and DW allows me that flexibility.

The ability to overide a default or turn it off would be fine. But the vast majority of links begin with http and having to constantly type it in is a big pain.

<<<DW is an editor not a browser its an editor, so no i cannot jump to a link from within dreamweaver. I use the site management window to change to pages i want to edit within my site>>>

It won't let me jump to a link within the page. That's ridiculous.

<<<I can create templates and apply a template to a new page. so do not need the drag and drop feature.>>>

Not what I mean. With NetObjects, you can look at site view and quickly drag and drop an existing page to a new level within the site, then edit the page. Very quick and useful for creating a site. Also, when you drag an drop the page links are automatically updated.

<<<But the matter within the help documents is EXCELLENT. However with MX that has been changed i hear>>>

Have to take a look.

<<<As a good designer it isn't advisable to create sites more than 40 K as no user with a modem would wait for your 40 K site to download. You must really be joking if you have made sites of 100 K. Wish you the best>>>

Sites have and can be developed for a broadband audience. But to see a performance degradation at 40K is a serious bug in the product.

regarding the first few points i would just say that the users decide what features they like or dislike in a product. what advantageuous features outweigh disadvantages. what may be a disadvantage to you may be an advantage for me. so if you dislike something about the product the best place to take your suggestions is the product developers, not a help forum. whether you decide to use the product or not is your choice.

the last point. who knows what machine you are using. Ranjan
fragments of dream, weave them together
<<<so if you dislike something about the product the best place to take your suggestions is the product developers, not a help forum.>>>

It seems completely appropriate to discuss problems or issues about a product on a forum dedicted to discussing the product.

<<<the last point. who knows what machine you are using. >>>

The last mentioned problem can be replicated on different machines, none with less than 192K of memory. Identical files, and versions of DW were used.


Your first 3 points were on a personal level, like it dislike it etc. The last point has to be your machine. I've never encountered this problem before but then my sites are around 30-35k.

I know people who don't like Dreamweaver; they tend to use GoLive or something else. I also know people that like Dreamweaver and so they tend to use it. I like it so I use it.

It seems completely appropriate to discuss problems or issues about a product on a forum dedicated to discussing the product.

I thought this was a forum dedicated to helping people who want to learn how to use it, to learn a little more about designing web sites not discussing all the little bugs or complaints about it. True, this does come up from time to time and not just here but it's usually within a question (or reply). You came here and ran the programme down, you don't work for Adobe by any chance do you? :)


<<<Your first 3 points were on a personal level, like it dislike it etc. >>>

My first three points deal with functionality. EVERY other product in this class I've worked with offers these basic capabilities. Not having them seriously degrades productivity. Having to constantly type in http:// is ridiculous. Not being able to jump to a link within a page is also ridiculous.

<<<I thought this was a forum dedicated to helping people who want to learn how to use it, to learn a little more about designing web sites not discussing all the little bugs or complaints about it. >>>

You are welcome to think whatever you wish.

<<<True, this does come up from time to time and not just here but it's usually within a question (or reply). You came here and ran the programme down, you don't work for Adobe by any chance do you?>>>

No, but I will be posting a review of this class of products and DW will be bottom ranked because of its poor interface. I expect a product in this class to cover interface basics. I asked the questions I did to find out if I was missing something or if there were easy workarounds, not to waste time with misguided product &quot;advocates.&quot; Again, I don't have a personal stake in this; this is a software program.

If you have any tangible suggestions or workarounds please let me know. Otherwise, I don't have much time to argue with you about the purpose of product forums.

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