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domain and web hosting service

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Dec 18, 2001
i'm planning to buy a domain and put my website on it. i just need suggestions on web sevices such as geocities or namezero or anything else. which one is most reliable one? can anybody give me some suggestions?

Hi mate,

What connection and OS do you have?

The reason I ask is that if you have a permanent connection and have a decent OS then you could run a server off your own computer.. You might not be interested in this but it is just a suggestion..

I host my own sites so I cannot really comment on others..

Hope this helps Wullie

A few I have come across that I recommend include:

(excellent personal attention and tech support IMHO)
(with them now)

With all of these I think you are safe enough, they all seem quite reliable and offer some very good options at good prices. Theres a million hosts, finding the right one is just trial and error.

I look for:
99.9% uptime guarantee
telephone support
prompt customer service & technical suport,
professional attitude
just to start...

Also, you should know before you contact them exactly what you want by way of service and hosting options. Make sure to ask LOTS of questions before you sign up and if you dont get a prompt professional response then mark them off your list!

If you need more info let me know. I just bough my first domin a while back so I know what its like!


wicked man, how do your host your own site for your own computer

I'm running P3-512 RAM-866MHZ-Windows ME, and have a permanent ADSL internet connection, in which I never turn my computer off. How do I do this???

Much appreciated!!! [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
Hi mate,

It is easy to do but I would not recommend to do it with ME.

ME is not secure enough to run as as a production server, if you are going to run a server then you really need NT 4.0, 2000 or XP.. ME is a "consumer OS" and is not designed to be used as a server.

You could still however set it up for testing purposes, this would allow you to try out perl scripts etc, on your machine, or you could upgrade your OS.

If you still want to do this let me know and I will giude you through it..

Hope this helps Wullie

Nate, make sure you check with your ISP before you set your computer as a server on the internet. I had to fight to get a hefty fine removed off my bill because I was using mine as a server. Some ISP's charge extra, some won't allow it and some don't bother checking.

Hi mate,

All you need to do is check the terms and conditions and see what the penalty is for breaking them, unless you signed a contract saying that you would pay this money if you ran a server then by law, they cannot charge you for it.. Most ISP's do not check, some block the ports (You can bypass this too!!)

Hope this helps Wullie


I'm talking to Telus right now, and they said:
"I need 2 static IP's in order to do this, and the price is more than what I'd have to pay for a web hosting plan from somehwere else!"

Oh well, Telus really is sneaky, I'd have to pay $74/month to get 2 static IP's, whereas I'm paying $24/month and their web hosting plan is an extra $15/month. The difference of $35, these guys are low, I hate them.

Thanks anyway. [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
Now if you wanted horrible service the "your lucky we're your web host" then I know of one for you, although it wouldnt be fair to hosting.com to mention their name.


On the other hand, even though I run a server. I personally use stormhosts.com (and no - no affiliation)

And on other notes - I found ME ran Apache like a real dog - I've heard it will run on win98 - but reboot every day.
Windows2000 Pro - works like a charm.

They're looking for 2 ip's - one for your server, one for a router "Insert witty remark here"

Hi mate,

What do you mean about the 2 ip's?? You only need 1 to run a server..

It is not that ME and 98 will not run apache but it is advised against due to the weak security nature of the OS..

Here is what apache say..


Apache should never be used as a production server under any
consumer operating system such as Windows 95, 98, or ME (Millennium
Edition). Only Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 should be considered, and only
with appropriate NTFS file system and user security administration.
Apache runs on these consumer Windows environments only to
provide test, development or trusted intranet server platforms.

Apache on Win32 should be considered initial-release quality code.
It has not been subjected to the same stresses on its stability and
security that the Unix releases have enjoyed, so there is a greater
possibility of undiscovered vulnerabilities to stability or security
of the Win32 port.

Apache performs best, and is still most reliable on Unix platforms.
Over time the performance, reliability and security for the Apache
Win32 port has improved, and continues to improve. Folks doing
comparative reviews of webserver performance are still asked to
compare against Apache running on a Unix platform such as
Solaris, FreeBSD, or Linux.

The Win32 code for Apache 2.0 has been entirely revised and large
segments have been rewritten from scratch. Once the Apache 2.0
server is released, we strongly encourage all Win32 users to move to
that platform for increased stability and security.

Hope this helps Wullie

What I mean by 2 IP's is:

Right now I'm using the basic telus adsl package, which uses DHCP, to optain my IP. I was told this morning that I am using a shared IP address, and would have to get a seperate static IP address (in order to run my own server), that belongs to me. Telus's package only comes in 2 Static IP address packages. Does it make sence now? [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
Hi mate,

LOL I didn't even notice that you had posted, I just read the post that schase made and wondered why he had mentioned 2 ip's..


You could still run a server for testing purposes, your isp cannot refuse that as you are not allowing access from the internet..

Hope this helps Wullie

So by doing this test, it means that no-one will be able to access my site from outside my house??? [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
OK, so can you explain to me how I can set this up.

Thanks [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
Hi mate,

I just typed a book (Well nearly) and got a server error and lost it all so I guess I will have to type it all again.. [mad]

To start with, you can download apache from the following link.

Run the installer, it should be self explanitory.

Now go to START > PROGRAMS and look for Apache. In that folder, you should see a dir called "Configure Apache Server", in there will be a file called httpd.conf. Open this file and read through it and make any changes as appropriate. (It is all well commented)

Set apache to listen only for Localhost on port 8080.

Now click on the "Start Apache In Console" that is in the apache dir. This should launch a command window that hopefully says "Apache/1.3.24 (Win32) running..."

If you get an error then check your httpd.conf file for typos..

Now, type into your browser and you should see the default apache page.

Thats apache set up. (Well, nearly)

Search the httpd.conf file for "AddHandler cgi-script" and then change it to the following. If it is commented, then uncomment it.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Now go to and download Perl..(You have to register but it is free, use the next link at the bottom of the page.)

Run the installer for this and install it to /usr/ or /usr/local/ or whatever your current server uses for the path to perl. Do not add the /bin/perl part. Installing perl here will save you from having to change the paths on your scripts when you upload them to your existing server after testing.

Now close apache by holding CTRL + C and then start it again. Everytime that you make a change to the httpd.conf, you must restart apache for the changes to take effect.

If all went well, you now have apache and perl set up and ready to use.

If you want to install PHP then go to Run the installer.

Now go back to your httpd.conf and add the following lines.

# Begin PHP
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"
# End PHP

Change the paths if you did not install PHP to the default.

That should now be PHP set up..

On windows you cannot use sendmail, you can get alternatives but I have never seen a cheap one except Blat..

Blat can be found at
Download that and the readme should explain how to use it, there should also be a demo form there so that you know the correct syntax to use for your forms etc.

If you want MySql then you can find that at
I think that is a self installer as well but I cannot remember for sure..

Now go to the directory that you installed apache to (Default is C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache) and the directory named htdocs is where all of your html etc, files go. Your cgi-bin is in this apache directory also..

Now, that should be it all set up correctly and your server should be ready to go.. LOL Thank god for that!!

If you have any other questions or if you run into problems and you need help, just ask..

BTW. I tried to make this as accurate as possible but if anyone notices any errors, please let me know..

Hope this helps Wullie

guys, this is getting too complicated for me. i run windows 95 so running a server off my own computer would be no option. i just started with this web designing thing. i just want a simple .com for my personal website, but i just want to be sure that it's reliable and i wont be left with mising files or stuff like that ( i dont even know if that's possible.)

what do you guys think about geocities and namezero?

thank you
Thanks wullie, I'll print that off so that I can read it fully.

To answer sharifsucks question.
I hate geocities, I once had a site there, but didn't like how my site popped up extra ad banners, and have other ad banners on my site. Myabe if yor're looking for a fun website (ie-non-professional) geocities may be ok for you, seeing as how it is free. But nowadays, web hosting has become incredibly competitive, so buying web space isn't that big a deal. I know I'm contradicting myself, b/c I don't want to pay, and want to be able to do this myself.

One question I'd like to ask is: How do these giant companies that offer web hosting, give their customers statis IP addresses. Who actually owns them all and then sells them out??? Not very knowledgable about how things actually work on the net? Why can't I just assign my own IP address to myself, after assessing to see if it isn't taken or not??? Could someone shed a little light on what the process is here. Thanks [deejay]
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
Sharifsucks, keep away from geocities and companies like that!!!!
Try any from the list I gave you and you will be more that satisfied. Check also RnK's suggestions, all of those hosts are professional, offer great options, good customer service and are Reliable! (and cheap!)

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