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Does XP have IIS or PWS? 5

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Technical User
Mar 16, 2001
Does anybody know if XP Home Edition has IIS or PWS?
I had problems originally getting my ASP pages to work with IIS 5 on Win XP Pro.

Turns out the MMC was arguing with Zone Alarm Pro (and lost).

If I disable Zone Alarm before running the IIS services, all is sweetness and light!

Might be worth checking if you have a personal firewall installed (maybe even check the in built firewall in XP Pro)?

I had this same problem. Drove me nuts. I checked all of the FAQ's, documentation, etc. with no luck.

From the last posting, I began to suspect something else running on my machine. I went to Norton Anti-Virus and turned off Script Blocking. Options -> Script Blocking -> Uncheck "Enable Script Blocking."

.asp runs fine now.
>> TonyU (TechnicalUser) Oct 31, 2002
>> Man, this post is old.

Boy you can say that again !! Well actually everyone would probably prefer you don't LOL

Way back at the begining Einstein47 said:
>> That makes up my mind to NOT "down-grade" to Win XP Home
>> Edition. If I want to use ASP, I can't do it on Win XP
>> Home. That just stinks.

Yeah, Home editions are not meant for development.

If that was already addressed in the last 1200 years of posts in this thread I'm sorry for repeating it but I couldn't read the entire thread.


I've used the information in Hykke's 7 July 2002 posting to install an Apache server on my XP home edition. I then installed the Chilisoft ASP. Several questions:

The Apache information said that the QoS should be disabled. How is that done?

In the configuration file I set ServerRoot to C:/ASPpages (a directory I'd set up) and the server seemed to quit working?

Where do I find "default.asp"?

Are FrontPage extensions available for this configuration?

Thank you for taking the time to consider questions from a very novice user.
I'm always happy to see that someone has used my advice.
Let me see if I can answer your questions:

1. The Apache information said that the QoS should be disabled. How is that done?

Err I don't know. I don't think that I did that. I don't even know what a "QoS" is...

2. In the configuration file I set ServerRoot to C:/ASPpages (a directory I'd set up) and the server seemed to quit working?

I don't think you should change the serverRoot Setting. It should still point to the place where you installed Apache. Instead you should change the DocumentRoot setting.

Here is my own DocumentRoot setting from my Apache configuration file:

DocumentRoot "C:/inetpub/

3. Where do I find "default.asp"?

Err I don't really understand this question. You should write your own default.asp, and place it in the directory pointed to by the DocumentRoot setting, this file will then become the localhost startpage.

4. Are FrontPage extensions available for this configuration?

Not to my knowledge...
Jens Hykkelbjerg
I have an ASP application which runs fine on PWS in W98. When transferred to XP Pro, there were 3 problems.
1. I had to install the equivalent of PWS so I could create a virtual directory. The solution to this was given earlier in this thread - ref INETSRV. GREAT.
2. Session variables did not work. The solution to this was also given earlier in this thread - ref DISABLE ZONE ALARM. GREAT.
3. I cannot read/write with ASCII files using textstreams and file system objects. No problem in W98. THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING PROBLEM UNDER XP.



1) If zone alarm is trying to protect you from malicious scripts, make it stop, it is also protecting your files from the FileSystemObject acessing them, this is a maybe fix for zone alarm, a definate fix for Norton (I don't use ZA)
2) If you can get a list of files from the directory, then your FileSystemObject has access. The problem is most likely in the permissions set on the file, the easiest way to test this out is to give the Everyone group full read/write access to a file and try reading/writing from/to it.

I have a free copy of XP Pro from MS, but I still haven't installed it as w2K Server is stable and there is that whole don't fix it if it ain't broke way of thought :)
If the top two don't work maybe someone running XP will have beter luck helping.

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I tried disabling Norton Anti-Virus software and this did not work.

I then copied the folder which contains the ASCII files into the shared couments folder, gave it read and write and directory browsing priveleges under web sharing, and changed the appropriate path in my code.

This still did not work, so I am still in the same position.

The reason I was using the files in W98 was a simple method of preserving settings, e.g frame colors etc. This can be done in an alternative fashion using database tables but ascii files (usually single line files) seems a sensible method.
I think the general answer is "NO" to IIS or PWS working on XP Home Edition.
I have read ways that you can play with the IIS code to enable it to work on XP-Home, this seems a very lengthy process, and heard of many issues with this. Upgrade to "pro" would be best but not always viable. For example I like to work on my laptop, and XP-HE is the standard build.

As the Laptop is mainly used for video work it has been specially set up, I decided to find an alternative to IIS and did the following:

Installed an application called (Abyss Web Server X1)
Then downloaded and installed (Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime) this enabled me to install (ActiveHTML) both can be downloaded from
Followed the (Adding ASP Support) to Abyss Web Server
Same thing for PHP and MySQL

So far I have not found any faults..
Hi everyone just what to say that i bought a new laptop pre-installed with windows xp home edition.
i used the method with the windows 2000 professional cd and i worked 100% just had a bit of a problem with the directry sercurity in the. i wouldnt let me connect to the server but when i changed the user name from IUSR_WES to IUSR_*WES it worked fine. just want to say thanks to every one. got it going.
i also got the apache server will chilisoft going but i prefer iis.
Hello !!

About installing IIS or PWS on Desktop with win XP Home Edition.
I would really like a personal webserver, becaurse I am beginning a project where i need to learn VBscipt and ASP.

My action:
I have read the tread above, about succes with the use of win 2000 prof. Unfortuanlly i do not have win 2kprof...
I have then accessed the file sysoc.inf and deleted the line "hide". Then the PWS appers, in the windows Add Componets Panel. But I can not tjeck it and install it:( I can se that it can be done and would like to be eXplanied what to do next.

Do i need to copy and get the 2 files iis2.inf and iis2.dll from, elsewhere or from win2k prof. and then upgrade through the dos -prompt to these 2 above files from the existing files iis.inf and iss.dll = ?

And if above is correctly, do I need the discused command EXPAND from the prompt ?

My mind teels my, that if i do the above in my further actions, I am on the right way, but maybe i can be completly guide to the right solution ? I would be very happy to some respons on this thread.

Very happy new year, and excuse my bad english. After all I am danish ;o)

Alaadin -Denmark
Hello Alaadin,
I have successfully installed the Apache / Chilisoft solution as described by Hykke in this thread on July 7 and the Abyss Webserver / Selisoft ASP solution by Nboy on Dec 9th. From my limited experience I would think that that the Apache Chilisoft install is what you would need for a robust internet server with lots of daily hits, but I have found the Abyss/Selisoft combination easier to install and maintain for the development of ASP sites in an internal environment. Just a personal view.

Rather stupid question perhaps, as it is probably just a bug with my Computer and Xp Home, but I downloaded Chilisoft, right clicked and changed compatability to NT but I can't even get it to install, the setup box just sits there, and sits there etc...

Has this happened to anyone else, and if so what did you do to rectify the problem.

Many thanks in advance
I also run xp home.
I am trying the Apache/chilisoft approch to running asp.
I also found the the installation of chili soft was slow.
It took a long time maybe 30 minutes.
Try letting it run.

thanks, that's probably what it is, impatience on my part, I'll set it up again tonight, and just let it do it's business, see if that makes a difference, I'll post my success or failure in the morning.

thanks again :)
Hi everyone.

I need some help. I have tried the work-around, only I grabbed the two files from a Win XP Pro cd. In add comp. I see IIS on the list but can't check the box, ohh damn :( How come ? You guys gotta help me out here - thanks in advance.

Ok, I tried that workaround for XP Home to use the IIS from win2k, and no joy... Kept asking for files that I don't have and couldn't find. Unfortunately, my 'puter didn't come with a CD, and having XP Pro as the OS wasn't an option, which meant I was stuck with XP Home.

Not a problem, I thought, XP Home should support everything I need... nice one microsoft...

So, has anyone tried installing the win98 PWS onto XP Home to see if that works?

I NEED to develop some ASP on my laptop, and so far I've been stumped... Anyone help me?

Thanks in advance...
Hey Everyone..

About IIS or PWS on XP Home.

I wrote a thread 4. Jan 2003, and I have got a litle bit longer in the process.

The guide above of 7.may 2002, and also on is usefull, but i stil got some problems. I have replaced the 2 files IIS.DL_ and IIS.INF and used the file extension tool in dos -prompt to expand the 2 files to iis2.dll and iss2.inf. Cool, then i can check the Installation of IIS from the "ad windows components", in ad new programs. But it then prompt me for files.. and first i did not have those.

Then i downloaded a pws from the net - and files, and some of these files could be used .. and I also downloaded som Win2000 sp1_i386 files that also can be used.. but a file is missing: IIS_infoctrs.h ?

Dos anyone have the same problem, and do anyone know where I can download this file and get further in the process.

Great thanks for solutions.
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