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Does XP have IIS or PWS? 5

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Technical User
Mar 16, 2001
Does anybody know if XP Home Edition has IIS or PWS?
Chili!Soft does work really well on Apache - not on the newest release though. Also Chili!Soft does not state support for WinXP - anyone tried it at all? I'd be interested to know if it works...
I have just got this working for my project at University. I have XP Home edition and was at a loss about how I was going to do my project but I have managed to get Chillisoft working for my ASP pages with an Apache server.

When installing ChillisoftASP, install it as an NT program, after it has installed you can save your ASP pages to the htdocs folder of Apache and run your pages as normal. Check them in your browser at
4guysfromrolla posted this FAQ this week on installing PWS on XP. enjoy.

I tried ChilisoftASP on windows XP Home Edition, however the current version will *NOT* install. It presents a popup that states that this version will only run on NT & Win2000. If anyone has managed to get around this I'd love to know how!

I've got apache 2.0 beta and it works really well for plain old html pages, but I desparately need ODBC & ASP support. There are a few pages out there that give a workaround for an IIS installation but you will require a win2k cd, and frankly if you've got that you'll probably use that for development. I've spent a few hours searching for a solution and have come to the conclusion that it can't be done. <insert rant about microsoft here>


>When installing ChillisoftASP, install it as an NT
>program, after it has installed you can save your ASP
>pages to the htdocs folder of Apache and run your pages as
>normal. Check them in your browser at
Hi, I'm having the same problem of unable to use PWS or IIS on Windows XP Home Edition. What if i installed Windows 2000 on the second partition of my disk drive d:, would that effect my windows xp home edition on drive c:.
i cant see any reason it should, the two OS's should happily sit side by side with no interaction between them, however it would be easier to install a third party than tempt fate by running two Microsoft OS's!

I had an email from one of Chili!s techies, he was very helpful and said I should run the install in 'Compatibility Mode' (I must admit having not understood an earlier post about this)

Just right click on the install icon, and select properties. There is a shiny new windowsXP tab that says 'compatibility' and select windows NT.

Voila! Runs like a dream. I've tried out the ODBC support and it works really well. As far as I can see there is no other option short of installing XP Pro or 2K.

I was having a similar problem with a scanner after upgrading to XP. But the guys and girlies at Mustek came up with a simple but novel solution.
Basically, change the registry to fool Windows into thinking it's another older version while installing, then change it back again.
Seemed to work fine for that and I thought it might work to let you instal PWS under XPHome.

The page is here, but the techie stuff is below.

1. Start Regedit

2.in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version
rename the key &quot;ProductName&quot;
from &quot;Microsoft Windows XP&quot;
in &quot;Microsoft Windows 2000&quot;

3. install the Mustekdriver for Windows 2000 (PWS to you)

4. Undo the changes in the Registry.

So has anyone managed to get Chilisoft working with Apache 2.0.35?

And if so, how?

Can you get chilisoft working on a normal PC running XP home, without any apache server etc just chilisoft.
My problem is that I'm using Visual Studio.NET, and I can't do ASP projects. I can get an ASP page fine, but unless I can do a project I'm out of luck! In order to do a project I must have IIS5.1... The catch??

I'm using a XP Home edition computer and therefore I CANNOT use 5.1 which is a load of bull. Without it there's not way I can get .NET to realize my computer is the &quot;localhost&quot;. I had Zope, and Apache on my computer, but in this instance IIS is a MUST. Any ideas?
I have been running XP home edition for about a week, and discovered the problems everyone else seems to be having with PWS and IIS.

I have now installed Apache Web server v1.3.24, which is running quite happily (on localhost), however, when i downloaded chilisoft asp, it only appears to support Apache Web server v1.3.22 and as a result (I am guessing) can't find the installed web server.

I haven't beem able to find anywhere where I can either obtain version v1.3.22 of Apache, or a version of Chilisoft asp which will work with Apache v1.3.24.

Has anyone encountered any problems like this.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Ok, now i'd just like to say that i have not tried this, and therefor am not certain that this will work (I've got XP Pro) but i have a suspicion that this 'Could' work (its the same prinicple that you have to use when uninstalling that darn windows messenger!!! ;o)

Apparently IIS is on the XP Home disc, however when you go to Add/Update components its not available so....

goto c:\windows\inf and open sysoc.inf in notepad

look for a line that says something like...

and remove the word 'hide', the line should now look like this....

save the file, reboot for good luck, then go to add/remove windows components, and if i'm right IIS should be in the list, and you can install it!!

Apparently there is no difference between the XP Home / XP Pro cd, the same software is on both, its just a case of tweaking files and/or the registry to get home to run like pro.

Like i said, i have no idea if this will work, it is just a guess, let me know how you get on!

That was (almost) a brilliant solution..

I was a little uncertain about this, as my XP Home is an OEM version, but, sure enough they are there.. editing this file does cause the PWS / IIS components to be displayed in the add remove windows components dialog.. HOWEVER, they just can't be selected.. clicking in the tick box has no effect..

However, now that I know that you can play around with these settings in this way, maybe there is something else that needs tweaking..

I will have a bit of a dig around and see if I can come up with anything..

Thanks for that.. very useful.

The Windows XP Professional Edition only has IIS 5.0...the installation is same as win 2000 Prof
I bought a computer with XP Home pre-loaded. I didn't think much of it until a few weeks ago I wanted to start to learn ASP (I can already program VB) and after looking into it, I'm finding the same problem. So far i think the idea of using the second partitioned disk to run a is a good idea. I find it funny how the XP home and Pro disks are the same! Would changing the specified file comprimise the OS's security or stability at all?

I would like a bit more info on running a second OS on my partitioned disk if anyone can help. What would be a good (cheap) OS to use? (That could run ASP) Thanks people!

I've found this... I'd like some opinions before I implement this though. ......

To quote

&quot;General HOWTO for running IIS in Windows XP Home Edition.
by Richard Sandoz - Certified Java Programmer

(1) locate and edit the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF

(2) locate a section called [Components]

(3) find a line like this:

(4) change it to this (the iis cab in the i386 xp home folder looks to be nothing) iis=iis2.dll,OcEntry,iis2.inf,,7

(some sort of ms caching thing keeps sticking back iis.dll when I try to nuke it. quickly renaming and making hidden dir called iis.dll seems to thwart, but not worth it, so iis2.dll is good enough)

(5) I grabbed the iis.dl_ and iis.in_ from win2k advanced server cd.

I would guess similar techniques would work from W98, FP, etc. Use &quot;EXPAND IIS.DL_ IIS2.DLL&quot; from a command prompt Same for IIS2.INF, place IIS2.INF in C:\WINDOWS\INF and IIS2.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SETUP

(6) Now when I did &quot;add windows programs&quot; from the control panel's add new programs, I had IIS options and I could even check em off. yippee - could not check em off from my xppro cd :(((

I just went with the defaulted ones though (all i needed was iis web server)

(7) It will prompt you for files. Get em from MS XP Home CDs, Adv Server CDs, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\INETSRV, C:\WINDOWS\I386, etc. (It will tell you the file it needs, you just need to have a searcher going, probably the CDs will have all you need)

(8) You can get to your IIS from Control Panel's Administrative Programs. I stuck in an index.html file and reconfigure IIS to work like this.
No go :(((
I right clicked on my inetpub folder and did something with shared folders.
No go :(((
I looked at the event viewer and saw the error of my ways. Go to IIS and goto Directory Security tab and click Edit button and Browse for the user setup on my laptop.

(9) Yippee, hello world from
I won't support this solution unless paid to. I am an out of work developer looking for work.

I bought a Toshiba 5005 laptop which came with XP home. I then bought Win XP Professional. I have bunches of CDs from when I was a MSDN subscriber. From a general search on the internet I found contradictions.

Microsoft says you need professional XP to do IIS period. q310090 was yanked from their site which had the &quot;workaround&quot; for this.

When I tried to setup XP upgrade to pro, my laptop rebooted and hung on an xp logo with an animated graphic. I have verified this to be the case with others as well. Upgrading to xp pro isn't an option for this laptop.&quot;


I was wondering if there is an easy way to just test out my ASP pages without actually having a server.....I have XP home edition and have a sever at another location but I want to be able to work on my ASP pages from home.
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